What a powerful verse. And what a revelation of who we are in Christ Jesus. Those who believe in Jesus are all sons of God. ALL. All are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ - no race, no status, no gender matters anymore. All are ONE in Christ.
All believers are sons of God. We have this huge family living all around the world. But are we behaving like how family members ought to treat each? Or are we strangers, and worse, enemies?
Why is it so difficult for people to reconcile? And why is it so difficult to accept the mistakes of others? You are ALL sons of God! Let me repeat "YOU are ALL sons of GOD!" Can we not look beyond the errors and follies of our brothers? Can we not forgive? You are ALL sons of God my friends! Why should Coffee time be awkward and impossible? Let's have a meal together, for we are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:28 for the modern day - "There is neither denomination nor institution, yours nor mine, fiery charismatic nor silent conservative, for WE are ALL ONE in CHRIST JESUS" Amen.

Together as a family with Jesus.