Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What is Tithing all about?

Tithing or giving tithe is to give a tenth of one's income as an offering to God. A very helpful article that explains Tithing is found at: Should a Christian pay tithes? The article explained from the Word that offering up to God part of what He has blessed us with is how we demonstrate and acknowledge His Lordship over us. And that tithing fulfills three needs in the Kingdom of God.

1. Supporting the work of God - Acts 4:32 - 35
2. Providing for the laborers and the work of the kingdom - 1 Corinthians 9:14, Galatians 6:6
3. To support the disadvantaged (strangers, homeless, fatherless e.t.c) - Romans 15:26, 1 Corinthians 16: 1-2, Acts 11: 27 - 30

Why the sudden topic of tithing? Well, you see, it is interesting how MANY of us Christians do not understand what tithing is all about. We may only know that we are supposed to do it but never really understood why we do it. My friends, it is a good time to understand what the Word of God said about tithing. Read the article I've linked above.

If you think tithing is a kind of membership fee similar to those that you pay in a country club, you are badly mistaken. In fact, that's quite an insult to the God who created and owns everything. And if you think tithing(the 10%) is only applicable to those under the Law(i.e. the Old Testament), you are also badly mistaken. When Jesus came, He told the crowds that He came to fulfill the law. In fact, when you read His sermon from Matthew chapter 5-7, Jesus gave a HIGHER standard requirement than the Law. If under the old covenant, it is a 10% offering unto the Lord, then what more when you are under the new covenant? Don't you feel that you ought to give even more than the required 10%(under the Law) since the Son of God has paid the greatest price to purchase you? Remember, you are not your own. You were bought at a price. And everything you possess belongs to Him.

"A man came to me and said, "I'm so glad the New Testament doesn't teach tithing. I think I'll prefer the Old Testament." I said, "That's interesting. My friend, in the Old Testament you give 10%. In the New Testament, you give everything." He wasn't very excited about that. :)" - in a sermon by Pastor Michael Ross Watson.

Forget about the various methods and styles of giving!!! Some people put their tithes into an envelope & write their names, some people used GIRO, some people give a tenth of their produce(Yes, in poorer farmlands, tithes are in the form of farm produce like chickens and eggs), some wants to give anonymously - whatever it is, it won't kill me to change a method. If I have to change the method, I adapt. What is most important is that I am doing right in the eyes of God by giving what is due Him as an act of worship, and for the extension of His Kingdom(the 3 reasons listed).

Do the right thing today.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Don't Forget How to Drive!

What happens when you have not driven for almost 10 years? I realized I can't even park a car properly!

Okay, to begin with, I had little driving experience after I passed my driving test but I was still shocked that I can't park a car(head in) in one simple move.

Moral of the story: If you've learned something and not practice it, you'll lose it sooner or later.

God has given you gifts and everything you need for life and godliness(1 Peter 4:10, 2 Peter 1:3) He has saved you and gave you new life and purpose. Use your gifts to honour Him and practice what He says. Otherwise, you might end up losing your gifts.(Matt 25:14-30)

Therefore, let us "continue to to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose"(Phil 2:12-13). Let's continue to walk the talk. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Be a Stranger for a Change

Taiwanese singer, A-Mei (Zhang Hui Mei), a World Vision ambassador had this to say after visiting 6 different groups of people helped by World Vision in New Delhi, India.

"We need people to stop talking, and to start doing. It's actually not hard at all. You just need to give that little extra you have.

A lot of us like to worry about our own problems first. But we have to remember, when we're having trouble, we'd be receiving help from others, even strangers sometimes. Maybe you could be that stranger for somebody else for a change?"

Source: The Star Newspaper, on page T3 of StarTwo section, 20 May 2009

Read Matthew 25:35-40 again.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

I'll Gladly Carry Yours

"God tests your strength by having you lift burdens from another's shoulder."

Are you flexing your muscle? Or are you still asking, "Who is my neighbour?"

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" - Gal 6:2