Friday, June 30, 2006

How will you cope when sorrows come?

"The new shirt that I just bought from Bali had stains on it!" I was a little upset to discover this when I was hanging the shirt(that i've wore just once) to dry it. I felt like I've lost something dear(which wasn't actually) and there's a sudden low. Of cos it did not affect me for long but the effect it had on me drew me back to the days when I've lost or nearly lost something. I remembered the time when my PDA(which contains all my sermon notes and journals) broke down and I was very upset. I actually flew into a rage(*tsk tsk*) but calmed down later and prayed, asking God to 'heal' my PDA. It didn't happen immediately but my PDA was okay the next day, but the data was gone.(Thank God that there's such a thing as a backup, although it was not the most recent one) I can't believe that the sense of loss caused me to flew into a rage. This time, it pricked my heart a little, giving me a sudden low feeling. I wonder how I will feel if my parents passed away. How will I cope in that situation?

Reading up the life of early missionaries showed/taught me how they cope with grief and sorrows. William carey's wife became mad and died. Jim Elliot died and left his wife behind at a pretty young age. John Paton's wife died, followed by his child. And many others too with such stories. But even with these sorrows, these heroes of God cling on to Him. They overcame their sorrows and press on to finish the task God has given them and they all finished their race on earth. It is indeed inspirational. But where do they get their strength from in those difficult hours? Reading and knowing the book of Job helps, but I think their greatest source of strength and comfort comes from Christ Himself. Jesus was described as a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering." If our God is familiar with our suffering on earth and have tasted it Himself, surely He knows how we feel when such situations arise. We all know that God can comfort us and give us peace beyond our understanding but will we run to Him in trying times? Can we still sing when tragedy struck? Our walk with Him now will very much determine that outcome.

Listen to the song of Horatio Spafford, who wrote this song soon after his 4 daughters died tragically.

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know;
"It is well, it is well with my soul."

(Click here for complete lyrics and short story)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It doesn't matter where you are

(this is related to my previous post)
After I left East Timor and went to Bali, I wonder whether this once-a-month sharing opportunity will continue. It was silly of me to think that perhaps this sharing opportunities only happen in East Timor(since it started there. But don't we think like this sometimes? ). And of cos very soon, I realise it has NOTHING to do with the location or where it started. It has EVERYTHING to do with prayer. And God is at work no matter where you are. He just require willing vessels that desire to do His work.

And so it happened. I was at a shopping centre one night and my friends were late in picking me up. The stores were all closed by then except for starbucks and this local cafe called "Daily Bread"(no, it has nothing to do with the devotion material). I bought a drink and was reading my magazine when the waiter interrupted me. So I talk to him for a while, hoping to return to the interesting article i was reading when he sat down and asked me more questions. Ok, so we chatted and somehow, God gave the opportunity for me to share with him a testimony of a balinese who became a christian. He listened intently. Although he smiled sheepishly when I invited him to go to church(that's a polite Indonesian 'no'), I certainly believe that this seed is sown into his heart. I do what God wants me to do and He will do the rest. Results belong to Him.

I'm now back in Singapore and God just gave me the opportunity to share for this month. I was at my friend's wedding dinner a few days ago and I got to share with my ex-classmates. In the first place, I wasn't even suppose to be there bcos I actually told my friend that I couldn't make it bcos I was in Timor then. Secondly, there was no more seat as I didn't reserve on time but that morning, my other friend couldn't make it and I took over his place. I'm amazed at the opportunity God gave me. My non-believer friend actually asked me ,"so how did you become a missionary and end up in Timor?" Perfect question for sharing my testimonies.

This really encourages me and showed me that no matter where I am, God can use me and is using me in His perfect plans. When I was in Bali, I wasn't feeling very good bcos my heart aches for Timor and I long to return. As I waited and prayed, God reassured me that I had made the right decision to leave but He didn't say when I can go back. (that means more waiting and long-suffering and continual surrender to Him) As I surrender, there is this sense of liberty lifting me up with joy even when I still feel sad that I can't go back to Timor at this time. I don't know how to describe this liberty and calmness - it surpasses all understanding. God is so wonderful - He reassured me that no matter where I am, as long as I am walking in the path He has given me, He will be there with me. And He will comfort me, love me and use me.

"Lord, I lay down everything before you. Use me in your plans. Teach me your ways. In everything that I do and every decision that I make, let it be your will, and not mine, be done. Amen"

Opportunities to share - let the whole world know

Ever since I've gone to East Timor, God has been providing me opportunities to share and testify about Him every month. Not that I have no such opportunities in Singapore, but these ones are different and very often unique. This at-least-once-a-month thing started when I started to pray for opportunities to share with people. It has now been 8 months and I still experience all these divine appointments. here's some of the encounters:

1. I met my student in a minibus and i was actually going somewhere else. somehow, i told him i'll tag along with him instead n met his brother at the market. And so, I got to share with him n his brother while walking home after the 'grocery shopping'.

2. I took a taxi down to church and in this taxi, a handicapped man with shrivelled hands, thin weak legs and a bend head sat in front. He's the driver's brother. Along the way, i asked him in my halting bahasa indonesia whether he believes in miracles n in God. he said yes and eventually, my pastor n i prayed for his brother's sickness. He received Jesus into his life and his neck straightened. But I never see him again. Was he an angel? I dunno but it was awesome to have had such an opportunity.

3. I befriend a security guard in church before a prayer meet bcos i was too early and he was friendly. He spoke english n i realised he's not the regular guard. just standing in for his friend for that particular night. just that night ONLY. we chatted n i shared about God. After prayer meet, the Holy Spirit prompt me to share the gospel n ask him for a decision. I shared, he accepted. He wanted to get a job so I told him that Jesus will help him and that we must pray and believe. Less than a week later, he found a job(after a few years...n in a country with 50% unemployment rate). Jesus is indeed real.

It was prayer that gave me these opportunities. Many a times, we sit back and wait for God to drop down opportunities from heaven. yes it's true God do that sometimes without us asking Him. But more often than not, God wants us to pray and request for such opportunities. In the first instance, if we do not even ask for an opportunity to share the gospel, then why should God give us one? Will we do it when the opportunities come? I think many times we will not if we have not prayed. If we are desperate for something, we will ask for it. Don't give yourself anymore excuses like "i didn't share with my colleagues or my school friends or my family all these while bcos there are no opportunities" The reason why you did not have an opportunity is bcos you did not ask. James 4:2b said,"...You do not have because you do not ask"(Nasb)

So let's start praying for opportunities to share, to testify about Him and His goodness. Make the most of every opportunity.

"Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity. Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]." Col 4:5-6(Amplified bible)

Let the whole world know.


Decided to create this second blog as my first blog is a more informative blog and focus mainly on East Timor and a little bit on photography. This blog will be more personal and informal(i.e.writing rubbish), n to just share my thoughts and perhaps some lessons learned in my journey with our wonderful God. Some of my writings will be punctuated with singlish, bad english and short forms. eg: bcos =because, n=and, etc. So, enjoy the reads and feel free to discuss any stuff via the comments option for any posts. Do forgive me for long posts as the long ones r normally stuffed with testimonies.