Saturday, September 08, 2007

A loving, radical and balanced Christian & Church - Part 3

I have read of Christians who bash the institutionalised church as unbiblical and even pagan, and calls for a return to 'New Testament styled' churches called house churches. I have heard of 'strange' teachings that promised good health and wealth to all Christians even though that is not truly the case. And there are many more 'controversies' or 'debates' from the Christian community today. How do we account for someone who has benefited and truly believe in Christ through some movements or churches with a 'controversial' theology? Is not God able to turned what is bad to good? Can not God preserve the spiritual health of a growing Christian by showing him the errors in the teachings he is receiving? God is sovereign and we can't really fathom why He allows certain things to happen but we all do know that He works all things together for good to those who love Him.

I feel that unless God has explicitly spoken of and shown His displeasure toward a certain form of ministry, movement or actions of a Christian, we should never judge it by attacking it or condemning it. It is dangerous. Imagined you are attacking or condeming a work that is truly from God - aren't you wasting your time and energy contending with God? And the worse part is you are saying what is pleasing to Him and originated by Him to be some sort of wrongs or evils. I implore you to read Acts 5:27 and Mark 3:22-30 before passing judgement.

To those who are contending that the speaking of tongues and/or spiritual gifts have ceased, please do not condemn such works that are happening today as demonic or unbiblical. And to those who are speaking in tongues and manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit, please do not judge churches who do not practice them as dead churches or inferior ones. This is especially so when both parties hold a bias view toward the other. How many of those who said speaking in tongues is gibberish and no longer valid had actually seen or heard for themselves tongues that are truly a foreign language praising God and not ecstatic utterances? How many of those who said gifts are no longer valid and unproven had actually seen a miraculous healing(that is supernatural) or experienced one themselves? How many of those who said the 'non-charismatic' churches are dead had actually seen how they lived their lives as exemplary witnesses for Christ? How many of those who said that 'dead' churches are inferior had actually seen how they devoted themselves to prayer and to a sacrificial work among the poor?

My dear brothers and sisters, let us love each other with an unbias view. After all, won't the above acts glorify God? If it does, why do we still contend with each other and try to strike each other down? Is not each individual accountable to God on that Day? Let us love God and love each other even if we have some differences; especially if those differences do not go as far as having a different gospel which will then require a separation. But love still remains. It will never fail and by our love for each other, all man will know that we are His disciples.

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