"What do the people need or want?" - this is probably the no.1 question on most people's mind when they have been to East Timor and thinking how to help the people. The needs are many - for some, it's daily food. for some, it is education. and for others, work and a steady income. "How do we solve all these problems?" - Wrong question. Although some people might have the perception that Timorese in general are quite a laidback people, I've seen examples that beg to differ.
I've met brilliant Timorese. And I've met brilliant Timorese youth with a never-say-die attitude and they made it through tough times. So what's the right question? I would say - "How do they solve all these problems?". And believe me, I think they are able to. If we would humble ourselves, learn from them and aid them along, and work together with them.
The other part of our world has so much resources that we are not utilizing them to the fullest. There are many needs that we can help meet with our resources, but which one comes first? I personally feel that education is the priority. Not the usually assumed academic education where one thinks that with some form of paper, they can find a decent job and live well. Come on, with 40% unemployment, what can a piece of paper do?
If you have read the book, "The book that transforms nations" by Loren Cunningham, you will know what I mean. Social skills, healthy habits, problem solving skills, working as a team, leadership skills, taking care of one’s body, moral values, conflict resolution, spiritual disciplines, godly character & development and so on as Education. It covers every aspect of a growing child and a growing adult into fuller maturity and wisdom. But besides all these good stuff, I realised after reading the book that you have to have God involved. Who's going to teach radical things like "Love your enemies? Bless those who cursed you? Consider others better than yourself? Look to the interest of others?"
If a person will have that, and willingly do it because he loves God, that'll do it. Lives will be transformed. Society will be transformed. There will be no poor people. There will be food for everyone. Our earlier questions will be answered. There will be peace in Timor. There will be prosperity.
Until then, let us change our mindsets about our Timorese friends and about ourselves. We're not in anyway smarter or greater. We're just privileged to be born and bred in a country that God has placed you and I in. And yes, you and I have a part to play in the transformation of lives. Tell them God's love. Teach them by living godly lives. God will answer your question, and theirs in due time.
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