Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What are you fighting for?

For anyone who is fighting in any way in a church, a cell group or a parachurch organization, may I you ask the following questions:
"What are you fighting for? Is it really worth the fight?"
"For whom are you fighting for? For God's name or for man's pride?"
"What are your actions? Silent Bitterness or Prudent Communication?"
"What do you wish to achieve? Angry dejection or hopeful reconciliation?"

You will know if you are fighting right once you honestly answer the questions above.

Many a times, fights are unnecessary because the issues are not worth fighting for. Prudent communication with a spirit of humility is most effective, even if at times the devil has got the better of the other person such that peaceful communication becomes almost impossible.

Therefore, let us not be ignorant of the devil's schemes (2 Cor 2:11, Eph 6:11) and allow him to divide the house. For a house that is divided will not stand at all (Mt 12:25).

"So what are you really fighting for? In the light of eternity, is it really that important?" Time to think again my friend. Time to bring your fight and issue to the Lord again. "Is it really that important to the Lord that you think He would have you fight it out?" You will have your answer by now. Shalom.

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