Friday, March 25, 2011

Where are the MEN???!!!

This is not new and I am sure you have heard this over and over again. "Where are the men in the church?" This is not only a local church issue but a global one. There is a lack of men in the mission field in areas where men are very much needed.

In a local church setting, many men are missing(physically AND/OR spiritually). I've many wonderful and godly lady friends but it seem the wonderful and godly men are either missing or taken. I'm not saying that singlehood is bad or wrong but the issue is not that the ladies want to remain single for life. Rather, one major issue is the lack of good, godly men (that are still single).

I have heard and read countless times of news from missionaries in the field that they need MEN. To do what? To reach out to boys and men and talk about men stuff and to do the things guys do together. This situation is actually worse than the situation at home in the local church. In a recent encounter with a group of 6 missionary candidates, I saw that there was only 1 male. Where the men?

Are they less reached? Do they resist the gospel more than women? Are they too pre-occupied with striving for their family that cross-cultural work became the least of priorities? Why are there less males in the church? And especially so in the mission field?

As a guy, maybe it is time to think about this. About reaching a guy friend, about going to places where you are more needed, about leading your family into a strange place for the gospel's sake.

So where are the men? You're 'it'. You are the answer if you are a man reading this. Go and fish some.

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