Friday, November 13, 2009

A Time of Rejoicing - Luke 15:7

We were having a meal and sharing life with each other when he said things like, "Just have to pray to God and see how He leads"(paraphrase). I paused. Something was different, so I felt prompted to ask, "Have you accepted Jesus into your life?" and he said, "Yes."

I tried my very best to contain my exuberance. But I was happy, very happy. This is a dear friend of mine and I recalled the days when I first invited him to a church service about 8 years ago. We shared a lot about life together and as usual, I shared my bible-based principles and views and God's word always have this 'special effect' of making the most sense in this crazy world we're living in.

Like most people, he believed he can achieve anything by believing in himself and he saw no need for a God, even if this God does exist. But life is a mystery sometimes. Through events and situations, he became more open to God and one day, he looked back and ask for forgiveness of his sins. He said God touched him, he felt as if his heart was melting, and there was a sense of joy and peace and having the assurance that his sins had indeed been forgiven. He said it was different, very different - as he recalled those days when I shared with him. On those occasions, the words were only head knowledge and meant nothing to him. But when God touched his heart, he knew something was different. God is real.

I'm so glad that he came to know the Lord. If you think those 'occasional' prayers for your unsaved friends are unimportant, think again. Every one of them counts. And God will indeed make all things beautiful in His time. What a joy!

Jesus said,"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." - Luke 15:7

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