Monday, October 23, 2006

Personal Soul Winning

Ephesians 4:16 - "From Him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work"

Often, we said, "Oh, we must be united!" And many times we meant it, but our actions do not show it. We agree among ourselves, called ourselves like-minded and thought that we are one in spirit and purpose(Phil 2:2), BUT this unity we proclaimed has no real meaing unless each of us play our part in doing God's work. There are many works we can do but I want to highlight one of the most important one to you and that is preaching the gospel.

Preaching the gospel requires no special 'calling' or titles or status. If there is any thing that we can all play our part in, it is sharing the gospel. Isn't it wonderful if our unity is seen or recognised by the world because each one of us share the gospel to them in various ways and in different places? If you read on from chapter 4:16, you will hit chapter 5:15-16 where God tells us to make the most of every opportunities that we have.

In previous postings, I've shared how I met people on the streets (mostly poor people), became friends with them and shared the love of God with them. This "phenomena" happened to me while I was in East Timor. Every month without fail, I will bump into a stranger on the street or somewhere, and I will get a chance to share Jesus with them. I keep praying for such opportunities and these occurences have not stopped since then. I thought this is something awesome(maybe because we seldom hear of something like this in our community) but when I read that someone does this EVERYDAY, it blows my mind. Reading the story of how D.L.Moody will not rest until he shares Jesus with one soul a day did not discourage me. I'm encouraged by my once-a-month endeavour where God helped me to bother to talk to the poorer and lesser reached soul on the street but to do it everyday is a real challenge. Yes, it is a tall order but not one that is impossible. And I think we all should strive towards it.

So how do we strive towards this everyday personal evangelism lifestyle? Start by praying? Yes, but don't stop at praying. Be aware of the opportunities around you, grab them, share your testimony, do an act of kindness, preach the gospel. R.A Torrey said, "The best way to learn how to do it is to do it." I want to encourage you to read this article called "The Importance of Personal Soul Winning" by R.A. Torrey. It's at

You will see in there that we can all play our part in winning souls on a personal basis, and the effect of such works can have a greater impact than events like gospel rallies, healing crusades etc. God bless you and the souls around you.

1 comment:

Stepper said...

hi, the story by Dr Torrey was good illustration for me to share it to my sunday school... have save it in my file.. thanks brother for sharing..

hwee lan