Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What is Tithing all about?

Tithing or giving tithe is to give a tenth of one's income as an offering to God. A very helpful article that explains Tithing is found at: Should a Christian pay tithes? The article explained from the Word that offering up to God part of what He has blessed us with is how we demonstrate and acknowledge His Lordship over us. And that tithing fulfills three needs in the Kingdom of God.

1. Supporting the work of God - Acts 4:32 - 35
2. Providing for the laborers and the work of the kingdom - 1 Corinthians 9:14, Galatians 6:6
3. To support the disadvantaged (strangers, homeless, fatherless e.t.c) - Romans 15:26, 1 Corinthians 16: 1-2, Acts 11: 27 - 30

Why the sudden topic of tithing? Well, you see, it is interesting how MANY of us Christians do not understand what tithing is all about. We may only know that we are supposed to do it but never really understood why we do it. My friends, it is a good time to understand what the Word of God said about tithing. Read the article I've linked above.

If you think tithing is a kind of membership fee similar to those that you pay in a country club, you are badly mistaken. In fact, that's quite an insult to the God who created and owns everything. And if you think tithing(the 10%) is only applicable to those under the Law(i.e. the Old Testament), you are also badly mistaken. When Jesus came, He told the crowds that He came to fulfill the law. In fact, when you read His sermon from Matthew chapter 5-7, Jesus gave a HIGHER standard requirement than the Law. If under the old covenant, it is a 10% offering unto the Lord, then what more when you are under the new covenant? Don't you feel that you ought to give even more than the required 10%(under the Law) since the Son of God has paid the greatest price to purchase you? Remember, you are not your own. You were bought at a price. And everything you possess belongs to Him.

"A man came to me and said, "I'm so glad the New Testament doesn't teach tithing. I think I'll prefer the Old Testament." I said, "That's interesting. My friend, in the Old Testament you give 10%. In the New Testament, you give everything." He wasn't very excited about that. :)" - in a sermon by Pastor Michael Ross Watson.

Forget about the various methods and styles of giving!!! Some people put their tithes into an envelope & write their names, some people used GIRO, some people give a tenth of their produce(Yes, in poorer farmlands, tithes are in the form of farm produce like chickens and eggs), some wants to give anonymously - whatever it is, it won't kill me to change a method. If I have to change the method, I adapt. What is most important is that I am doing right in the eyes of God by giving what is due Him as an act of worship, and for the extension of His Kingdom(the 3 reasons listed).

Do the right thing today.


Russell Earl Kelly said...

True biblical tithes were always only food from inside Israel. Although money was common even in Genesis and essential for sanctuary worship, money was never included in 16 texts which describe the contents of the tithe. Jesus, Peter and Paul did not quality as tithe-payers and neither did the poor nor those who lived outside Israel. The tithe was a beginning standard only for food producers inside Israel.

1. Acts 4:32-35 is an example of sacrificial freewill offerings --not tithing. The Jewish Christians in Judea continued paying tithes to the Temple system for over 60 years after Calvary per Acts 15 and Acts 21:20.

2. 1 Cor 9:14 and Galatians 6:6 are not a discussion of tithing. It states that New Covenant gospel workers should be sustained by New Covenant principles of grace and faith. If 9:13 were the only context of 9:14 (instead of 9:7-13) then ALL of the Temple support systems would have to be brought into the Church.

3. 1 Cor 16:2 and Acts 11:276-30 are not examples of tithing. They are examples of freewill sacrificial offerings for the poor. There is no post-Calvary text where the Church is commanded to tithe. And there are no post-Calvary texts which allow so-called "tithe-recipients" to own or inherit property or kill those who attempt to worship God directly kper the tithing statute of Numbers 18.

You said "Why the sudden topic of tithing? Well, you see, it is interesting how MANY of us Christians do not understand what tithing is all about."

Russ: Most pastors have never studied every tithing text to discover its context. The whole law was a test--not merely tithing. Obey ALL to be blessed; break ONE to be cursed. Galatians 3:10-13 clearly replaces Malachi 3:10-12.

You wrote: "We may only know that we are supposed to do it but never really understood why we do it."

Russ: This is how the ignorant mass is manipulated into believing something that is unbiblical for the Church.

You wrote "And if you think tithing(the 10%) is only applicable to those under the Law(i.e. the Old Testament), you are also badly mistaken."

Russ: Then defend your position by using sound New Covenant principles of interpretation.

You wrote "When Jesus came, He told the crowds that He came to fulfill the law. In fact, when you read His sermon from Matthew chapter 5-7."

Russ: Matthew 5:19 says that we either obey all 613 commands of the law or none. Mt 5:20 reminds us that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the righteousness of the law.

You wrote "Jesus gave a HIGHER standard requirement than the Law."

Russ: This argument is based on the false assumption that everybody in the Old Covenant was required to begin their level of giving at 10%. In fact only food producers who lived inside Israel qualified. Since the premise is wrong for the OT, then it cannot be used for the New Covenant.

You wrote: "And everything you possess belongs to Him."

Russ: This was also true in the OT but it was never used as the reason for everybody to tithe.

You said "In the New Testament, you give everything." He wasn't very excited about that. :)"

Russ: And what does this mean to you personally? Do you give God 100% of your income? If not, then your point is pointless.

Read 1st Timothy 5:8. Our first income must go to buy medicine, food and essential shelter for our family. Biblical tithes are never the same as firstfruits per Deu 26:1-4; Neh 10:35-38 and Lev 27:30-34.

You wrote: "Do the right thing today."

Russ: After the first ten families promise to tithe the pastor becomes one of the wealthiest persons in the church. Seems like the pastor has a personal involvement. The right thing to do is to study all of God's Word in context and obey it in context. NT giving is primarily sacrificial. That means more than 10% for many but less for others per 2 Cor 8:12-15.

Russell Earl Kelly

Jason said...

Hi Russ,
Thanks for popping by and giving further insights into tithing. The objective of my post is not so much about tithing as a law as to getting people to see that there is great purpose in giving & what is that giving all about. I don't advocate "tithing" as some kind of law which forces/compels people to give(even if they are not able to do so). This blog post is more for people (who are able to give) who tried to justify it is okay not to give anything - not even to those who are needy. Perhaps I should change the term "Tithing" to "Offering" in my post (in today's context, these 2 words had come to convey the same meaning, although strictly speaking, they are not the same. I am talking about the latter. If the post had somehow offended you, please pardon my usage of the word "Tithing" to mean "Offering/Giving" in today's loose usage of the word "Tithe" in churches)

You wrote "And if you think tithing(the 10%) is only applicable to those under the Law(i.e. the Old Testament), you are also badly mistaken."

Russ: Then defend your position by using sound New Covenant principles of interpretation.

Jason: I am referring to those who are saying, "I don't have to give anything even if I have abundant because I am no longer under the Law."

You wrote "Jesus gave a HIGHER standard requirement than the Law."

Russ: This argument is based on the false assumption that everybody in the Old Covenant was required to begin their level of giving at 10%. In fact only food producers who lived inside Israel qualified. Since the premise is wrong for the OT, then it cannot be used for the New Covenant.

Jason: Again, I am addressing the same group of people who are saying, "I don't have to give anything. See, Jesus came to aboblish the Law.". What I am trying to tell them is, "No, he didn't. In fact, what He taught was even more radical than the Law itself. eg: a person looking at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. This is not specifically about Tithing as a Law. (Reading the next few lines would tell you the context of my post)

You wrote: "And everything you possess belongs to Him."

Russ: This was also true in the OT but it was never used as the reason for everybody to tithe.

Jason: I am just saying a truth (esp. for those who are clinging on to their possessions like idols). It was never intended to be used as a reason for everybody to tithe. Not at all :)

Jason said...

You said "In the New Testament, you give everything." He wasn't very excited about that. :)"

Russ: And what does this mean to you personally? Do you give God 100% of your income? If not, then your point is pointless.

Jason: Dear Russ, this is again with the context I am posting this post. It was never meant to support tithing(as a demanding Law). The sermon was talking about a man(with abundance) who tried to "escape" from the N.T's teachings on giving and tried to keep to a minimum of just 10%(to ease his own conscience) when he could and should be giving more. To which the preacher "expose" him in a rather candid way. That "giving of everything" meant to give as much as you can, not a total giving away of everything.

Russ: Read 1st Timothy 5:8. Our first income must go to buy medicine, food and essential shelter for our family. Biblical tithes are never the same as firstfruits per Deu 26:1-4; Neh 10:35-38 and Lev 27:30-34.

Jason: I definitely believe God wants us to provide for our family. However, sometimes, giving(when led by the Lord) can be foolishness according to the wisdom of man - it might even look like we're not being responsible and sensible by giving everything away or required to give everything away. eg: story of rich young man, widow with 2 mites.

You wrote: "Do the right thing today."

Russ: After the first ten families promise to tithe the pastor becomes one of the wealthiest persons in the church. Seems like the pastor has a personal involvement. The right thing to do is to study all of God's Word in context and obey it in context. NT giving is primarily sacrificial. That means more than 10% for many but less for others per 2 Cor 8:12-15.

Jason: I'm not too sure what you have experienced or heard, but yes, there are abuses of "tithing" in churches and so are other things as well. I don't believe in a "10% giving directly to church workers" system nor do I advocate exorbitant salaries for church workers. My church do not believe in demanding everyone gives 10% of their income because we know there are always those who don't have. However, we do teach that for those who have, one tenth is the least they can give to honour God (giving thanks to Him, and for the work of the Kingdom & for those in need). The problem for many today is not so much about proportionate giving than self-centredness: Many are not giving anything at all, let alone a "smarting guide" of one tenth(i know the bible didn't say you must start with one tenth. But since one tenth was mentioned in various accounts, and Paul did tell us to give systematically, I didn't think it will do us much harm to use it as a "starting guide" for those who have. It's just a guide, not a law). And 2 main reasons why people are not giving at all are either they do not see why they should give(i.e. they don't see the importance and reasons for giving), or they either use OT or NT verses on giving/tithing to justify not giving or capping at just 10%. That is the gist of my post. Thanks for dropping by Russ. God bless.