Sunday, August 20, 2006

Vegetarian pasta sauce for 400pax

Ok, what do you need to cook a pasta sauce for 400pax? You will need:
1. 12 big cans of canned tomatoes
2. 2 cans of concentrated tomato paste
3. Lots of chopped and grilled onions
4. Oregano
5. 4 boxes of 1litre red wine
6. Lots of grilled peppers/capsicum(sliced)
7. Lots of grilled carrots(sliced)
8. Salt at the end for taste

Not bad for my first attempt cooking in the galley. Those pots and strirring sticks are huge and there's even a stirring 'toy' which looks more like a machine gun. And if you're frying stuffs(like how 2 of us fried 300+ eggs today...haha), there's this large squarish frying pan that you can sleep in if you want. Well, it has been fun and eventful so far and I have learn quite a bit of stuffs. Character moulding is especially good and you will see your 'true' self more(especially when you're working) so that's about all for now. Thanks for your prayers guys & gals - will really need God to strengthen, lead as well as protect.(the frying pan caught fire this morning! woohoo!) Thank God for His protection otherwise my face will be black. Thank you once again.

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