Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gritting the Teeth and Saying NO

Ever felt you wanted to do something but you know you must resist it (even if logically speaking, there's nothing really wrong with it)? It's a fight between what is beneficial and what is not. Our minds can try its best to justify that it is alright because it is not a sin and therefore there is no harm but you know better.

Giving in to something which you must resist will only weaken one's resolve and willpower. An example will be a person who is fasting but give in to his hunger halfway through and ate something to satisfy his need. The act is not wrong and certainly not sinful but it's certainly not beneficial.

So the war goes on. Your battle is unique to how you are made and your experiences in life so quit comparing it with other people. A major battle in your life could be to someone an insignificant fight, let a alone a battle. So walk in it and fight on. God is moulding you for a purpose and preparing you for what is ahead. Onward Christian soldier! Persevere! Charge!!!!!

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Cor 12:9

His grace IS enough. Run to Him. Fall into His arms again and again.

A Prayer ~ "主啊,带领我。 引导我。保护我。"

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