Saturday, July 15, 2006

End of the Timor Road?

Yeap, my volunteer contract with WV had been terminated as the youth centre project has been closed indefinitely. It's strange that I felt as if a bombshell had been dropped on me but perhaps as a human, I still do have some emotion after all. Perhaps in s split second, I felt as if my tenure in East Timor is over. Is that true? Coming back to my senses, I slapped myself up and draw my assurances from God again. Of cos it's not true my stint in East Timor is over - as long as God had not say so. My friend's email from East Timor is very encouraging as she said there are plenty of work to be done there. So what is the next step? Go hunt for a volunteer job? No, I still believe that I have to continue to pray for directions till God show me the way, confirm it and send me. Praise God that there are plenty of opportunities in Timor, and even Ps Jonathan's visit to S'pore is no coincidence. It all linked again. Perhaps it's going to be a fresh start to a new thing in East Timor for me, or a temporary stopover for me in S'pore for further training & equipping and then to go back. Though my emotions sometimes roar like the raging sea when I felt so helpless(in that I cannot be there right now to be with the ppl), but in God's presence I can find my rest and in His grace I can draw strength. No way will I let my emotions get the better of me. I will choose to praise Him and shed all my tears in prayer.

"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God" ~ Psalm 42:11

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