Thursday, July 20, 2006

Have Mercy!!!

I meet the tissue auntie at Bishan Bus Interchange quite often and recently had a longer chat with her. After some persuasion, I finally manage to get her to accept the biscuits I bought from Ipoh and then we drifted to the topic of her present livelihood now. She then told me something that pierced my heart.

*blah blah blah blah.....*
Auntie: Sometimes when I don't work, I go to the temple to have my meals.
Me: Oh, where is it?
Auntie: It's at Kong Ming Shan*. Many people, hundreds of people go there to have their meals. They provide 5 free vegetarian meals a day. Anyone can go. They will not ask anything. Last time before I work, I used to go there everyday to have my meals because I was too poor to buy any. I felt very bad that I ate the free meals there so sometimes I will help them to sweep the floor. Before, I was not a Buddhist. But at that time, I felt guilty if I don't become one because I had all my meals there and they have not asked me for anything in return. So I decide to become a Buddhist and found that it is good. The medidation and teachings are good and give me peace of mind.

Strangely, she continued with my religion in mind, knowing that I am a Christian.
Auntie: I cannot turn my back against Buddhism..(*I did not mention anything about Jesus to her at that time. It's as if she assumes I'm evangelising*)'ll make me feel bad. You know, last time I have been to a church before. But NOBODY BOTHERS ABOUT ME (*emphasis mine*)
Me: ....

We soon drifted to another topic but those words ring so loud in my ears that I will never forget them. *Nobody(in church) bothers about me...nobody bothers about me...* I walked away feeling dejected. I asked myself what in the world are some of us doing today, especially with regards to the poor. I feel very sad that the church is handicapped, that it cannot reach out it's hands to the poor because those hands were shriveled by an inward-looking self and indifference. Not all churches are, but there are enough to make me feel sad. Even the world knows how to take care of the poor. If this does not shame us into noticing & loving the poor pro-actively, then I wonder what will.

"O God! Have mercy on us! Help us show mercy to the poor and needy! Help us to have compassion and love our neighbours with acts of kindness! Revive us Lord!!! Revive your church Lord!!! Have mercy!!!"

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