Saturday, July 15, 2006

Reaching out to my mum & dad

Sometimes the hardest thing to do for is to someone closest to you. And especially so when the person is not a believer. I struggle(strange right?) when I wanted to pray for my non-believing mum and dad. But God always see our desires and provide us opportunities to fulfill those desires that were good. And so, I had the opportunity to pray for my mum and the pain in her left leg. Althought I kind of make a mess of the prayer, I certainly felt God was there and ministerinig to my mum. I often wonder how my mum and dad can come to know the Lord since I'm away most of the time and there is zero(yes, that is so sad) Christians in our neighbourhood in Ipoh. But God always answer prayers and mine is no exception. Thank God that a group of us decided to go to Ipoh for holidays & through that, Lillian shared the gospel with my mum, and also I had the opportunity to share testimonies and pray for her. At this time, you may ask me "what about your dad?" Well, it'll come. It takes time but the opportune time will come. It's harder to get through him as he always 'siam' or 'dilute' what is God into coincidences. But it's okay. He will understand one day. So to all of you out there who have parents that are not yet saved, continue to perservere in prayer and pluck up that courage to do the thing you always wanted to do. Maybe it is to pray for them face to face, to share with them a testimony, the gospel, a big hug, to say I love you and appreciate you, whatever is in your heart that God has prompted you to do. Take heart and press on.

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" ~ Hebrews 11:1
"...Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household" ~ Acts 16:31

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