Thursday, December 13, 2007
Inconvenience is a good thing
My friend had invited me for an event on a day where I had some time but because I prefer to go somewhere else, I politely decline with a vague excuse such as "I might not be free". Internally, I knew that I had time but would rather go somewhere else and hence, I felt that the excuse was justifiable. Sounds valid doesn't it? Of course it does and no one will see any problem with that - Except that this person who invited me is someone I am trying to reach out to.
Aha. That makes a world of difference, doesn't it? As I reflected on my instant decision, I realised how self-serving I was. The truth is that I would rather enjoy myself than to inconvenience myself to go for an event that I was not particularly interested in so that I could reach out to the person. I had intentions to invite this person for a Christmas service and wanted him to come. But what gives me the right to invite the person(and expect him to come) at all when I don't even want to accept his invitation in the first place? That was indeed very selfish. It's as if I'm telling the person, "Hey, come for for this event. Nevermind if you have never step into a church before and may feel awkward. Never mind the inconvenience of finding the place and having to use up your precious holiday time for this event. Nevermind if I didn't accept your invitation. This is more important. It will change your life. You got to come!" Sounds hypocritical, doesn't it?
It's a great lesson to be learn and I thank God for His exposure of my self-service. I've since accepted my friend's invitation and looking forward to building a stronger friendship which will enabled me to speak into his life as God directs me. Every moment is an opportunity. If you expect your friends to inconvenience themselves to come for your church's service and to listen to some "speech", then you better be ready to inconvenience yourself and respond to your friend first.
After all, Jesus did more than just inconvenience Himself to save us. Our inconvenience is nothing really. So don't let your own comfort deprive someone of hearing Christ. Make the right inconvenient choice today.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Get In Touch!!!
While there is nothing wrong with inviting your friends, have you notice that you only sms or call them because it is an evangelistic event? On other normal days, you hardly sms or call them. So what am I trying to say? I am trying to say that we must make an effort to build up our friendship with non-believing friends. We should not only remember them when an evangelistic event draws near but treat them as we should have treated our cell group members. An occasional call, sms and meet-up IS necessary to keep in touch and to be an effective witness for Christ.
Everyone wants friends that genuinely cherish friendships. This sincerity is shown by your effort in maintaining contact and being real to them. Popping by last minute to invite friends you have not met for some time is akin to calling up your long-time friends with the intention of selling them insurance policies. I am not saying that we should not invite friends we have not met for a long time but ideally, we should have make an effort to keep in touch with them much earlier even before any evangelistic events. Because logically speaking, if my friend(who have not kept in touch with me for a long time) were to suddenly call me up and invite me to church, I would imagine him to be similar to some dude trying to sell me MLM products.
I hope you're getting what I mean. While shortcuts are possible, it can easily back-fire and put your friends off. I realized this recently and I am making an effort to meet my non-believer friends for dinner or other activities. They are not just worth inviting for evangelistic events, but worth spending my time with. Jesus died for them so that they can be saved, will you not spend some time with them to make Jesus's death worthwhile? Let's not be caught up in our own little 'christian world' where we spend 365 days with christians only.
Get out and get in touch today!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Your small acts of kindness matters
So there I was on my way back that I met this new tissue aunty on a wheelchair. Business must have been tough because she was so grateful when I bought her tissue. So as I converse with her, she spoke about why she is selling tissue. "I stay alone and I have to earn some money to buy "pampers" when there is not enough. No choice. Otherwise I will soil myself" said the auntie. That must have been a tough statement to say - imagine telling a stranger that you are in a health condition where you can't control your bowels, and you had to stay alone AND earn money yourself.
I decided to help out a little and pass her some money discreetly. "This is for you aunty. You can use it to buy food or to buy drinks or to use it in whatever ways you want..." I tried my best to water down the money giving act so that she will not feel she is some kind of beggar. (Not further damaging the dignity of a poor person is something that we must be highly sensitive of)
When she received the money, she started tearing and thanking me. I was shocked(by the fact that this little act had meant so much to her) I then told her that Jesus loves her and I was glad to find out that she believes in Jesus too. I will never forget those tears of joy and gratefulness on her face. Perhaps she thought everyone had forgotten about her, but God did not. Perhaps it was an answer to her prayer for provision from God. Perhaps it was an affirmation of God's promise that He will take care of her. Nevertheless, God met her that day. I was just a passer-by that God used.
There are just too many broken hearts out in the world today. If only we will slow down, pause, and listen to them. To talk to them and share with them. Our life can make so much a difference to another person's life more than we think it can. Our small acts of kindness matters. To them, and to Jesus.
"For i was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply,' I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:35-40
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Festival of Light

Today I celebrated Deepavali, a major Indian festival significant in Hinduism , Jainism and Sikhism. It is popularly known as the "Festival of Light," where the lights or lamps signify the uplighting of darkness and victory of good over the evil within. Sounds familiar? Yes, similarities of the gospel where the great Light has come to the world and triumph over death and darkness.
Though I didn't get the chance to use this analogy to share with my Indian friends, I had a great time fellowshipping with them and got to pray for them when I was invited to say grace for the food. It really is a slow process but it is a good stepping stone to building deeper relationship and to shine as light before them.
Christmas is coming up and I'm praying for more of them to join me this time and may God opened their hearts even more. With globalization, the missions field is really not too far away from where we stay. Take a trip down to Little India, Golden Mile complex and Peninsula Plaza and you will see many Indians, Thais and Burmese. And there are many other nationalities in your workplace and neighbourhood too. So let us all take a good look at the field and realise this soon. The world is waiting to hear from us.
"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Everything in His time
I think patience(waiting) is one of the toughest thing to learn in our world today. We want instant answers, quick solutions and equate patience as being laid back. You feel there are eyes looking at you and 'questioning' your wait - most the time, these are really our own imagination and prideful fear.
Waiting is really 'hard work' because you have to find something meaningful to do while waiting and sometimes you wonder if what you're doing is purposeful or not. This calls for a tough mental workout because the battle is in the mind. You'll be tempted to flirt with rash decisions, go with your emotions and make choices with poor reasons. If we don't get the Word of God into our hearts and minds, we are finished in this world. Our decisions will always pain us.
The song aptly sang the things we ought to do while waiting, i.e. to hold on to patience and watch for the sign. If we truly believe that God is in control and that He has the best interest for us, then we can do that. We can then brush aside what we're feeling right now and not make a decision based on it. We can say no to taking certain actions because we know for sure that God had not spoken - there was no 'sign' from Him.
I think what I've experienced recently made me understand what I've just said a little more. When I saw how God is beginning to open doors to East Timor again, I realised why I had to wait and how my wait has benefited me so richly. I had gained a wealth of knowledge and experience from those who are more experienced in community work and in church planting. My learning fitted perfectly into the new work which I am about to embarked on.
I also waited for another event which I can now thank God for enabling me to wait. It was in a way supernatural. After making my decision, God later on revealed the reasons in a most obvious manner. It was awesome. "...hold on to patience and watch for the sign. Everything in its time...." Hold on my friend. The time will come.
Everything in its time
Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round
Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer,
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little surprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see
The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Are you losing Jesus's compassion?
As I watched the video about the plight of prostitutes in Cambodia, how young girls were sold or tricked into the sex trade, at one point i couldn't help but wept. I felt so overwhelmed when hearing their stories about their past, their rescue and their present hope. These are the 'lucky' ones that have been rescued. But there are many more out on the streets who do not have this hope. They are living in darkness everyday and they are captives to this trade. Isaiah 61:1-2 rang out loud - "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour." Who will go? Who will rescue them? Who will set them free? Who will bind their broken hearts?
...what can I do? I could only cry out to the Lord. "Father God, save them. Let all who have heard you respond to your call to rescue these helpless children of yours. Yes Lord, your precious children who are created in your own image with value, with dignity, with a purpose and a destiny in their lives. May You rescue them O Lord."
Timor Assurance
After one and a half year out of Timor, I began to wonder if God is telling me something else - i.e. Timor is not the place. Although I was quite certain that God had called me to serve Him there in end 2005, I have this lingering doubt if God is telling or showing me something else now. I am human after all, and being out of Timor for one and half year did smother some of my passion for her. Is God done with me in Timor? I was ready to surrender if God says my work in Timor is over and that He will placed me somewhere else to serve His purpose. But God is not fnished with me in Timor.
On the day I was supposed to leave, I got an unexpected divine appointment and attended a prayer meeting. My initial plan was actually to do some last minute walking and 'shopping' around town but somehow, I ended up in that prayer meeting that morning. As I was worshipping God in a song in Tetun, God touched my heart - He 'told' me that His glory will fill Timor, and that He is not done with me there. I couldn't help bursting out in tears. God is so good. He is always on time. And He knows exactly what I needed at this point of my life - His assurance. Praise God! Praise His Holy Name!!! Forever and ever more. Amen.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Time waits for no man
But the second visit did not materialise. Perhaps I was too busy, perhaps I was too 'lazy'. Perhaps I felt the inconvenience or perhaps I thought there was still time. The days passed quickly and I did not see him that Friday. "Thanks for visiting my dad", her daughter beamed. It was Sunday morning. Mr See had been discharged but unfortunately, he had shingles and so he was not able to attend church service in case the contagious disease spread. I was glad for him and I thought to myself, "Hopefully I'll get to see him in next week's service".
Monday morning. The news came that Mr See had passed away. He had been taken home to meet His Maker; a home that was prepared for him and for us that believed in Jesus. A place where there is no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more sickness, no more conflicts, no more misunderstandings - a perfect home for a perfect body and mind. There will be singing, and dancing, and celebrations, and joy, and worship of God for Mr See. A loss on earth for us but a gain for him in heaven.
Time is not something we can buy. When it's gone, it's gone. I wish I have spoken to dear Mr See twice but it was not to be. Too many excuses I supposed. Our time on earth is really that short, but even an one-time encounter can make a difference and change things. Time really waits for no man. Seize the opportunity today. And let your light shine.
"When I think of him, he still impressed upon me what joy can do to the person who has it, and to the person who sees it" ~ Jason Lee.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
A loving, radical and balanced Christian & Church - Conclusion
Here's the conclusion and it's a writing on the Church, i.e. the followers of Christ.
The Church, the body of Christ
We are distinct yet inseparable
We are different yet united
We are unrelated yet one family
We have different gifts but the same work
We have different ministries but the same mission
We have different stories but the same God
The same God who loves us all
The same love that binds us all
The same bond that show us all
That all may know we are His disciples
That all may know His loving kindness
That all may know His name
To God be the glory
~ Jason Lee
A loving, radical and balanced Christian & Church - Part 3
I feel that unless God has explicitly spoken of and shown His displeasure toward a certain form of ministry, movement or actions of a Christian, we should never judge it by attacking it or condemning it. It is dangerous. Imagined you are attacking or condeming a work that is truly from God - aren't you wasting your time and energy contending with God? And the worse part is you are saying what is pleasing to Him and originated by Him to be some sort of wrongs or evils. I implore you to read Acts 5:27 and Mark 3:22-30 before passing judgement.
To those who are contending that the speaking of tongues and/or spiritual gifts have ceased, please do not condemn such works that are happening today as demonic or unbiblical. And to those who are speaking in tongues and manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit, please do not judge churches who do not practice them as dead churches or inferior ones. This is especially so when both parties hold a bias view toward the other. How many of those who said speaking in tongues is gibberish and no longer valid had actually seen or heard for themselves tongues that are truly a foreign language praising God and not ecstatic utterances? How many of those who said gifts are no longer valid and unproven had actually seen a miraculous healing(that is supernatural) or experienced one themselves? How many of those who said the 'non-charismatic' churches are dead had actually seen how they lived their lives as exemplary witnesses for Christ? How many of those who said that 'dead' churches are inferior had actually seen how they devoted themselves to prayer and to a sacrificial work among the poor?
My dear brothers and sisters, let us love each other with an unbias view. After all, won't the above acts glorify God? If it does, why do we still contend with each other and try to strike each other down? Is not each individual accountable to God on that Day? Let us love God and love each other even if we have some differences; especially if those differences do not go as far as having a different gospel which will then require a separation. But love still remains. It will never fail and by our love for each other, all man will know that we are His disciples.
A loving, radical and balanced Christian & Church - Part 2
How much time do we actually spend praying(talking, pleading & listening) to God? Then someone says, "I spend 16 hours a day praying and doing nothing else!" Will we applaud this person for merely praying? I think not. I think as much as we strive to be radical for Jesus, we must not become extremists that have ideas that are far too lopsided. Praying without reading the word of God and without practising what the word says is not balanced nor radical for Christ in the truest sense; even if it meant the person prayed for 16 hours in one go.
How about someone who comes along and say, "I spend most of my time praying. But I also spend time reading the word of God and practising what it says although the ratio for the former is greater than the latter two." Will you then criticise or judge the person by saying, "You lazy bum! If you spend most of your time praying, who is going to reach out to those in the corporate world? Quit your miserable part time job and go get a real job!" I think too often we are guilty of judging because of our own bias. The above is exaggerated but there are cases that seemed to warrant a 'judgement' and for that, I am equally guilty of. I think having an open and balanced mindset is important.
No one should say "Marketplace ministry is the most effective way of reaching out to the lost" and hence neglect the jobless and marginalised. Nor should anyone say "We must help and give to the poor. They 'deserved' the gospel more than the rich" and hence neglect the people in the corporate world. The church must strike a balance in reaching out to both the rich and the poor because both parties need help and both parties are spiritually lost. Granted that some churches emphasize one over the other or focus more on one type, the church must still play its role of loving both parties wherever it is placed. This is similar for the individual. A person might spend more time praying but that does not excuse him for not reading the bible, doing good deeds and evangelising. There is no "Either...Or..." but "All" when it comes to what Christ has commanded us to obey and this is what I meant by being balanced. No one should speak critically of an individual or a church that is devoting more time towards certain areas of ministry unless they have become so extreme that they only do that and dropped everything else that Christ has commanded us and expected us to do.
A loving, radical and balanced Christian & Church - Part 1
I feel that it is important for us to have a 'balanced' mind. A radical and yet balanced view of all the things that is happening in the Christian community. Radical as in unconforming to the patterns of the world, bracing oneself to adhere to the high standards of the bible, dying to self daily(sacrificing personal pleasure so that more time is spent praying, reading His word, ministering to believers and non-believers alike).
It is more than a fiery, passionate emotion with the notion of "I will do this for Christ!!!". Rather, this zealousness for His name must come from God Himself, not churned up by human self. It comes from understanding His words and the desire to see Him glorified among every people and nation. It is not the outward expressions that we so often associate with zealous people or those we termed "on fire for God" that will make a person truly radical for Jesus. It is often the secret moments he spent with the Lord - praying and meditating on His word day and night - that makes him a radical Jesus lover. It results in outward expressions that are more than just fist pumping and loud shouts of declaration; the outward expression is seen in the form of love - giving to those in need, mixing with the marginalised and outcasts, welcoming the weak and heavy laden, extending a helping hand and sharing life's journey with all man.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Rethinking and Rediscovering
I've realised that my motivation for missions has been about going all out to help the poor and to win them to Christ. It is about the doing and the action. Prayers have often been "Lord, show me how I can do this & that. Teach me how to talk to them. Have mercy on these souls." There is nothing wrong with such prayers, but it is not complete and the focus is not the most excellent. I've come to realise that I've lost the wonder of Christ in my missions endeavours. That is to stand in awe of Him and behold His glory. That my motivation and passion for missions should first come because of Him, simply Him and Him alone - my awe of Him, my wonder of Him, my speechless expression of His glory. It is all about Jesus.
'Strangely' enough, a day after I've received this 'revelation', I read John Stott's excellent paper on the Christology of Mission. I cannot agree more on one of the things he wrote. He says:
"The primary motive for mission is neither obedience to the Great Commission, nor even love for those who are oppressed, lonely, lost and perishing, important as both those incentives are, but rather zeal or 'jealousy' for the glory of Christ. It was 'for his name's sake', in order that it might receive the honour which it deserved, that the first missionaries went out. The same passionate longing should motivate us"
Read John Stott's excellent Christology of Mission at
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I am not ashamed of the gospel
I am not desperate. I am just like any 'ordinary' Christian that is growing in the Lord. Don't get me wrong, that is good. But I believe the more excellent way is to be desperate. Can I humanly conjure up desperation? Yes, maybe for a while but human efforts will never last. Only God can give godly desperation and I need to be desperate for such a desperation.
This means changing many things in my lifestyle - it's a huge challenge but a possible one if I were to surrender over and over again. Am I ready now? I don't think so. I can only pray that God will continue to be patient with me and mold me into a desperate mould.
Excepts from "Why God Used D. L. Moody" - by R. A. Torrey (
"Mr. Moody made the resolution, shortly after he himself was saved, that he would never let twenty-four hours pass over his head without speaking to at least one person about his soul. His was a very busy life, and sometimes he would forget his resolution until the last hour, and sometimes he would get out of bed, dress, go out and talk to someone about his soul in order that he might not let one day pass without having definitely told at least one of his fellow-mortals about his need and the Savior who could meet it."
I can read on and on about the exploits of D.L.Moody, how he preached the gospel to at least one person a day and how many of them were saved. But I do not only want to read and feel good. I want to be part of the story. I do not want to share the gospel only a few times a year. Can it be every day? Yes, with the help of God.
"Lord, help me be desperate for lost souls. Send me to them and them to me. May their souls be saved. Amen"
Monday, July 02, 2007
Thank God for friends
It was no mean feat trying to juggle operation tasks, projects tasks and staff and children issues everyday. It was already very difficult for two persons(my colleague and I); I can imagine one person handling all the stuffs. Thank God for friends.
Are you thanking God for your friends and appreciating them today? Or do you remember them only when a need arise? Thank God for friends.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
God's Wonderful Grace
The problems that were happening were also a warning from the Lord that we had to do something about it. But what? We couldn't possibly orchestrate a session of reconciliation. That would be too unnatural. So all we can do is to pray this prayer, "Lord, we know there is a need for reconciliation. We pray that you will provide this opportunity. We don't know how, but we know you will do it." - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
Frankly speaking, I have no idea how it's going to happen or when it's going to happen. I can only trust Him that somehow, He will do it. I thought perhaps it may take a while as I couldn't see any such opportunities coming anytime soon (logically speaking). But God knows it's urgent and He answered our prayers. A team came and their itinerary was changed because of some issues. And because of that, an opportunity for reconciliation came about and many hearts were ministered to. I can't help but marvel at His grace. That His grace is sufficient. That His grace has - "work all things together for good to those who love God, to those who have been called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28
And finally, I remembered one more thing that the Lord spoke to me during the prayer time. "My grace is sufficient for thee"~2Cor 12:9 Amen.
Victory in Christ
I remembered my pastor once said, "Sometimes, it seems that evil has triumph and God does allow that in some situations. But those moments of darkness are shortlived because finally, God will show His glory and triumph once again." This reminds me of the darkness that seems to have won when Christ was crucified. But that seemingly triumph by the evil one was crushed when Christ rose from the dead in triumph, defeating the evil one resoundly. It is no wonder we can find peace and joy in the midst of tough times. That is because God triumphs finally and our victory is assured because of Him. Glory to God.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Don't lose your Purpose and Passion
"How can I pray for you?" I asked my friend over MSN. Since my previous blog post, I have received 3 opportunities to pray for my friends over MSN and it was wonderful to be able to encourage them through such prayers. It was also no coincidence that my friends are at a stage where they are seeking God and getting a little bit confused at the moment. The common word is "Bored", plus others like "Confused, Depressed". It is frightening to know that we can lose our passion when we do not have a purpose and direction in our lives.
What is more frightening is that we fail to understand and see the purpose that God has already given us in a particular season of our lives, especially in a season of waiting and moulding. We can be actively serving in our church and even be working as a full time church staff but when we fail to understand God's purpose for us, we are in danger of losing our passion. And this will get us discouraged and sucked into a world of passionless service.
What is your purpose? What is your passion? Is it worshipping God through joyful acts of service and the way you live your life? Even if you do not have a passion in what you are doing right now, do you still have a passion for God? You must look to God, and not the things you are doing. You may dislike the things you are doing now, but God has allowed or even ordained such a time as this. Therefore, be passionate about what you are doing, not because you like it(you may not) but because you are passionate for God and you want to glofify Him in all that you do. That is your purpose - to worship Him, to glorify Him in all that you do, and in all that you are. Be passionate for Him.
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer." Romans 12:11-12
Saturday, April 28, 2007
How can I pray for you?
Through this, I gain a deeper insight into what body life really is. It goes beyond our own churches, lifegroups, organizations and even how much you know the other person. The thing is his focus. His focus is on the needs of the other person, and his focus is prayer. If I were to talk to someone, the "how can I pray for you?" would normally not cross my mind but for him, it is so natural and I think this is important. This should and has to be natural for us as Christians, as brothers and sisters in Christ, who cares for each other and wants to pray for each other. It is really a great lesson learnt and I am really humbled. I hope I'll be more mindful the next time I have an opportunity to ask, "How can I pray for you?"
Friday, April 27, 2007
Disappointed? No, I chose to give thanks
On my return to Singapore for my PR renewal for another 5 years, the officer said that the immigration dept. can only give me one year. Was I disappointed? Kind of, as I was hoping for 5 years and hence do not have to travel back now and then from my mission field. Strange enough, the officer told me about the criteria and chances of getting 5 years which I was not told in my last year's application. They normally don't say a thing about criteria. And as if to convey a message from God to me, she smiled and said, "See you again next year". Ok Lord, are you telling me something? But this time, no complains. I give thanks for another year of PR status.
This morning I was told that maybe I might not be heading back to Timor after all. 'Strange' enough, I was not very disappointed. A little, yes, as I was hoping to meet some friends and also get my stuffs back. Other than that, I was pretty much emotionless and just take it as it is. I think God has prepared me for this in the one year renewal process, which is to say, "Whatever it is Lord, have Your way. You know best. And in this, I can give thanks."
Nothing too big to complain about and nothing too great to be disappointed about. In each situation, we can always give thanks and trust that our ever loving God will steer us in the right direction. What we expect might not be what He wants for us and when expectations are not met, disappointements can arise. But if our expectation is:"Lord, You do it Your way. I just follow", then disappointments need not arise because you know that your present circumstances is what God has allowed and you'll find peace and joy instead.
I'm not exactly bouncing with joy now :) but I am very sure God has everything in His hands and He will direct my paths. And anyway, nothing is confirmed yet so I might still be heading down to Timor. So I "give thanks in all my circumstances for this is God's will for me in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonian 5:18. Give thanks and cheer up folks! :)
"I want something better, what's wrong?"
I was getting a little dissatisfied with my D70 DSLR camera recently because of its metering and white balance processing and I was thinking of getting a newer camera. Even the compact cameras these days metered better than my D70(except the lens I have is better). So I was busy shopping for a possible camera to replace my D70 and I didn't even balk at the price (1.4k onwards). I was basically obsessed with the idea of getting it and thinking of ways to reduce the cost until reality struck. Isn't it too much to spend that amount of money on another camera?(when I already had one!!!) Won't that money be better used for future endeavours in missions or some form of work among the poor? I haven't though of that untill I read the portion of the book on consumerism and I snapped back to my new self; not the old selfish self that was crucified on the cross. That old selfish self craves for personal pleasure and wants to feed the lust of the eye - I see, I want, I covet. I was convicted immediately and repented. All along, I thought I was contented with many things but even then, there are loopholes that need to be guarded and I thank God for showing me my weakness. To get the better camera now would be unthinkable.
Excerpt from the book:John Calvin condems 'obstentious banquets, bodily apparel and domestic architecture'-what we would call fancy dinner parties, designer gear and an obsession with home improvements. "All these things are defended under the pretext of Christian freedom", he continues. 'They say that these are things indifferent. I admit it, provided they are used indifferently. But when they are coveted too greedily, when they are proudly boasted of, when they are lavishly squandered, things that were of themselves otherwise lawful are certainly defiled by these vices'
Some stats: 1.3 billion people live on less than one US dollar a day - about 1.50 Singapore dollar, 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation and 1.2 billion do not have adequate housing. Over 20,000 children die evey day of diseases we could prevent. So the next time you say, "I want something better than this. What's wrong?(in buying it)", look at the statistics above and you know something is very wrong.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
It all started with Giving
The Lord of Host challenge us in Malachi 3:10, "Test me in this(i.e. giving) and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it". Having you been tithing? Challenge yourself to up the 10%. A pastor once told me about what happened to him when he increase his tithing after becoming convinced that he should give more than the starting 10%. And he lived in more exciting days ever since.
I have also heard many stories from many different people about God's amazing providence too. And I am sure these people are not stingy with God. Why? Cos His word is always true - "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." ~ 2 Cor 9:6. Events in life gets tastier as each one unfolds the truth of God and when I look back, I understood certain truths more. "At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need" ~ 2 Cor 8:14. Generosity can only be practiced, and that's how you experience the floods of blessing that God is talking about and the joy that comes with it. That is why it is written in Acts 20:35- "It is more blessed to give than to receive". It is not to say receiving is bad. But that in first, giving, we are more blessed because the receiving that comes after that means so much more than just receiving and not giving. For example, you give some money to a needy family. You may not receive your money back but when you see the joy in their hearts, don't you receive that joy too? :) But without the giving, there is no real blessed receiving.
I'll end with John Wesley's famous relevant-till-today quote:
"Earn all you can
Save all you can
Give all you can"
Happy Easter!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" ~ John 3:16
Thursday, March 29, 2007
You must have guess it right. East Timor is on the map again and that's not all. Before I was informed of the upcoming plan to visit it, I had felt in my heart that I should visit it sometime soon too. Ever since I left Timor, I have been praying to return/visit but have not felt this way although my friend had encouraged me to visit Timor sometime last year. It was only recently that I felt I should/must go back to see the country again and visit some folks there. And what a wonderful 'confirmation' it is when I was informed of the visitation plan. Alas, the excitment only lasted a few seconds. So until I step foot on Timor soil again and smell it, you can say I am emotionless :)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Old Self & Timely Wisdom

Here's the story. We had a computer class for the P1 and one of the boys was punished by my colleague. He was stopped from using the computer until he behaves himself but he didn't and continued disturbing the girl next to him. I hit his hands but he still tried to mess up the girl's typing so I raised my voice at him and grabbed him, intending to make him stand in front of the class. He began talking away(it sounded more like a defence than a protest) and he held on to the pillar. I took his hands and legs off the pillar but the little fella kept talking and held on to the pillar again for dear life. Ok, I thought there must be something in those words and asked for translation. It turned out that all he wanted was to sit in another PC because he dislike the girl, and that is why he refused to do his work and disturb the other girl.
I was stunned by this 'bizzare' reason and situation and I didn't know what to do. So my very unrighteous human nature took over and I asked my colleague what he'll do. "So how? What do you think?", pretending to know-it-all and make him feel that I am testing him in classroom management. He looked at me uneasily and you know that he does not know what to do. The old-self-me asked him a second time, hoping that I can get away with this sticky situation but his reaction is still the same. Come to think of it, if I were him, I would expect the "smarter" foreigner(who's supposed to teach me "everything") to make the right decision.
So the chips fall back to me - should I allow the boy to sit on another PC as requested or not? Time is ticking away and I can't be staring blankly back at my colleague, can I? In a split second, as if given instructions by another person to relay a message, I told the boy that if he wants to sit on another PC, he must behave himself and not talk. These words also came out, "If you're nice to us, then we will also be nice to you. But if you're naughty, then you are not nice to us and we will also not be nice to you. You understand?" He nodded his head and said yes to everything but I wondered whether he really agreed or just conveniently said 'yes' to get out of the situation. He was also angry and upset at the same time. Anyway, I think that he really understood it all when he said goodbye and thankyou to me in the Khmer way(both hands clasp together like when we're praying) at the end of the class. (Not many from his class did that) And by the way, the word 'nice' is used because it is easiest for them to understand and good for 'children talk'.
After lunch, I saw the boy again and he was all smiles to me, and we talked a little bit in my limited Khmer and his limited English. I really thank God that He gave me the wisdom to handle that difficult situation and how He showed me how vunerable we can be in moments of "danger". That the ugly side of us will rear its head out again in these moments but it is indeed a good reminder of how frail we are. And how we must continuously seek God for help in our weaknesses and do away with more of our flesh.
Ask Him for Wisdom - James 1:5
Put off the old self and put on the new self - Ephesian 4:22-24
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Give due credit and respect
It's the afternoon and the "encouraging" words rang loud and clear again in the office and I could see the cleverly concealed embarrassed look on his face. Well, I sincerely believe those words are really meant to encourage him but it is put in such a way that it doesn't sound like it, at least not to an adult. Maybe a child will think of it as an encouragement to learn but to me, it really sound like belittlement. Perhaps the person trying to encourage him do not know where his computer skills level is at but still, that cannot be an excuse for being insensitive. I happen to hear something similar in 3 different occasions and each time, I can see that his head is slightly bowed, as if to agree that he knows next to nothing. It is no wonder why some local people never rise up. And that's because we still treat them like little children, not trusting them to do a good job and not giving them room for failures so that they can learn. Let us treat them as adults and not little children, and give them respect and credit where it is due. Phil 2:3
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
'Exotic' Cambodia Food
Thursday, January 04, 2007
"Back" to Cambodia
What a priviledge. I am so grateful to God for this opportunity to learn, to serve and to grow in love for Him and His ppl. Hey ppl, if you think that sacrificing to serve God in the missions field is a big thing, it really is not. I would not even consider it a sacrifice although it does cost me certain things. I say this not to boast nor to feel good with a 'false humility' pretension. No, I am able to say this because God prepared me to give, and I can give each time because He first gave. I can 'sacrifice' because He first sacrificed - for you and for me. Serving in missions do not require you to be a full time worker, but a full time Christian. If your heart so desires, He will see that desire which pleases Him and He will send you to the field. It could be long term or short term but it does not matter. What matters is that you have gone out to love others, and you have pleased Him with your heart.