A few days ago, I was crying out to God and asking how long more do I have to be away from East Timor. I can sense the pain of the people and I can see their faces and my heart was broken. God spoke to my heart. "I've shown you the land and you have been there and tasted it. But now I have drawn you out for a time of training. And I want you to pray and cry out for this land." Having lived there and seen what Timor is like, I certainly was able to pray more specifically. And not able to go back at the moment makes my heart sick and the more I longed to be back, the more fervent I prayed for the land. Come to think of it, it does not seem unreasonable for God to take me out so that I may developed a deeper hunger to intercede for East Timor. It is a time of conditioning - to condition in me an attitude of intercession for the land; whether I'm away or not. As I looked back at the time I spent in Timor, I could honestly say that I have not spend as much time praying for Timor then as I am now and I was certainly not as serious in my prayers for Timor when I was there than now. Praise God for this revelation.
During these few days, I have also been presented with opportunities to go back to East Timor. I have now 3 opportunities to go back to East Timor and all I had to do is say "Yes" to the 'invitations' and I'll be back to my homeland. I was wondering why these opportunties pop up in quick succession and suddenly, God spoke to my heart. "Son, look at all these opportunities I have shown you. If I want you to be back in Timor, you will be back. All I had to do is snap my fingers and thousands of doors will be opened to you. Do not worry about open doors and how you will be going back. When the time comes, you will be back." How true this is. God is showing me His power in this and teaching me to trust Him more.
I'm not sure why but I sense something powerful will happen when I go back to East Timor after I have undergo my training in Cambodia and also in Singapore; having learnt a lot more about the art of waiting, praying and seeking His face. This is indeed a season of conditioning my spiritual 'muscles' and training for what is ahead. I can sense the excitement in me and I rejoice in this waiting period of my life. As one of my friends said, "Waiting time is never wasted time". Amen.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A Bitter Taste of Disappointment and a Surge of Uncontainable Joy
Yesterday, I had a taste of what disappointment is. It is not like I have not tasted disappointment before but this one somehow hit it right in my heart and carried such a weight. It's like when you discovered something you do not expect and totally shocking to you and you found it hard to swallow because the expectations changed so drastically.
I must say that it has done me good because now I get to taste its bitternest and understand a bit more of what my friend, H, went through. I mean, sometimes, we don't want that kind of feeling, do we? It is heavy, weighs you down and make you feel so 'sian' and moody, doesn't it? But God gave us emotions for a purpose and when disappointment comes, we taste and feel the same heavy heart.
But if there is one thing that is different, it will be how we react to it. It was tough for me and it will be unnatural(and also impossible) to suppress it by my own human strength. It just will not go away everytime you think of it. So will the method of not thinking about it help? To a certain extent yes but that emotion still creeps up even when I don't think of it. The only thing I know will help me is going to God, talking to Him and finding rest in His presence.
So I went to the nearby park and spend time praying to God, asking Him "why? Why God? Tell me pls" And God understood but He did not utter a word. I am sure He is also pained to see me feeling this way but it has to happen for a good reason and a learning process for me. So I kept asking and He kept looking in silence. Then when I finally stopped, God spoke to me, "My son, you have to keep praying and wait." Ok God, that is not really an aswer per se but well, I knew you are dealing with me so I humbly accept the fact that I will have to go through the grind.
I thought I will take some time to recover from this disappointment but today, God healed me. It is a miracle. I have not experience such quick recovery emotionally before. I have a good time of fellowship with my friends in the morning and as I was going back to work in the afternoon, I suddenly felt a surge of joy welling in my heart. Suddenly, my heart was bursting with joy! I was smiling away and was beaming like a fool and I felt so light all of a sudden. The disappointment with its heavy baggage disappeared as quickly as it had came. This 'supernatural' joy lasted for a few minutes and when it was all over, I felt 'normal' again, as if the disappointment had not cause any damage at all to my emotional state. But i knew it was God who gave me that joy and healed me. I don't know what had caused Him to pour His favour over me in this matter and the only thing I could think of is this:- That He was pleased that I ran into His presence with my prayers and petitions. And that I accepted the matter that had happened and was willing to put this matter into His hands and let Him have His way in me.
Don't get me wrong. I am not putting this as a formula or saying that if we do this, then our pain will go away quickly. We know that God is good, just and sovereign and do as He pleases because He knew what is best. But sometimes, don't we get more burdened by the disappointments we have by not going to Him in total surrender and humility? Don't we get more upset by not accepting that the matter is in His hands and that it is still ultimately good for us? Don't we sometimes prolonged our own suffering by not trusting that God will heal and restore us and close the matter for us In His time and in His ways? if i were to struggle to find an answer to my disappointment on my own, I would become more miserable and totally missed out on what God wants to do in my life. I thank God He showed me why I had to go through this. And I thank Him very much for that special joy and speedy recovery. I believe what He had done for me today, He can also do for you too. Run into His presence today.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry,
everything to God in prayer
~ Portion of the song, What a Friend we have in Jesus
I must say that it has done me good because now I get to taste its bitternest and understand a bit more of what my friend, H, went through. I mean, sometimes, we don't want that kind of feeling, do we? It is heavy, weighs you down and make you feel so 'sian' and moody, doesn't it? But God gave us emotions for a purpose and when disappointment comes, we taste and feel the same heavy heart.
But if there is one thing that is different, it will be how we react to it. It was tough for me and it will be unnatural(and also impossible) to suppress it by my own human strength. It just will not go away everytime you think of it. So will the method of not thinking about it help? To a certain extent yes but that emotion still creeps up even when I don't think of it. The only thing I know will help me is going to God, talking to Him and finding rest in His presence.
So I went to the nearby park and spend time praying to God, asking Him "why? Why God? Tell me pls" And God understood but He did not utter a word. I am sure He is also pained to see me feeling this way but it has to happen for a good reason and a learning process for me. So I kept asking and He kept looking in silence. Then when I finally stopped, God spoke to me, "My son, you have to keep praying and wait." Ok God, that is not really an aswer per se but well, I knew you are dealing with me so I humbly accept the fact that I will have to go through the grind.
I thought I will take some time to recover from this disappointment but today, God healed me. It is a miracle. I have not experience such quick recovery emotionally before. I have a good time of fellowship with my friends in the morning and as I was going back to work in the afternoon, I suddenly felt a surge of joy welling in my heart. Suddenly, my heart was bursting with joy! I was smiling away and was beaming like a fool and I felt so light all of a sudden. The disappointment with its heavy baggage disappeared as quickly as it had came. This 'supernatural' joy lasted for a few minutes and when it was all over, I felt 'normal' again, as if the disappointment had not cause any damage at all to my emotional state. But i knew it was God who gave me that joy and healed me. I don't know what had caused Him to pour His favour over me in this matter and the only thing I could think of is this:- That He was pleased that I ran into His presence with my prayers and petitions. And that I accepted the matter that had happened and was willing to put this matter into His hands and let Him have His way in me.
Don't get me wrong. I am not putting this as a formula or saying that if we do this, then our pain will go away quickly. We know that God is good, just and sovereign and do as He pleases because He knew what is best. But sometimes, don't we get more burdened by the disappointments we have by not going to Him in total surrender and humility? Don't we get more upset by not accepting that the matter is in His hands and that it is still ultimately good for us? Don't we sometimes prolonged our own suffering by not trusting that God will heal and restore us and close the matter for us In His time and in His ways? if i were to struggle to find an answer to my disappointment on my own, I would become more miserable and totally missed out on what God wants to do in my life. I thank God He showed me why I had to go through this. And I thank Him very much for that special joy and speedy recovery. I believe what He had done for me today, He can also do for you too. Run into His presence today.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry,
everything to God in prayer
~ Portion of the song, What a Friend we have in Jesus
Thursday, October 26, 2006
How about her?

On my way to the Bishan Mrt every morning, I will pass by this old lady selling tissue. I've never spoken to her before because I was in a rush everytime and God spoke to me one day, "How about her?" Ouch.
So i met this lady today and bought a pack of tissue from her and talk to her. She spoke to me in Mandarin and then(I don't know why), she talked to me in cantonese which makes it even easier to 'click'. She already had 2 operations because of her cancer and now she had to raise money for a third one. That is why she's selling tissue.
"What to do?", she said. "The amount of money I received from the welfare organisation is only enough for my flat rental and everyday usage. Cancer medication is not cheap and nowdays, if you do not have money, it's bye bye Singapore." I also found out that she's a Christian, but sadly, a disappointed one.
She was saved because a pastor had mercy on her and paid for her medical debts and led her to Christ. She was then about to commit suicide when her friend refrained her and introduce her to the pastor. Sadly, she is now fending for herself. "Ya. They pray for me but when it comes to money, no one will help", she replied when I asked whether her friends have prayed for her for healing. Is this the church today?
Look around you and ask yourself. When is the last time you have treated a poorer friend or stranger to a meal? When is the last time you have given money to a more needy person in church or in your circle of friends? We have missed out a lot. We forgot that there are poor ppl in Singapore. We fail to see that the person sitting next to you in church is a poor person who needed help. We hoard our money and find out what is the best investment and fixed deposit interest when our treasures are actually in heaven and the best 'investment' are to the poor.
As we all know, different churches have different approaches when it comes to welfare and sometimes, certain ppl don't "qualify" for help. But how about on a personal level? Surely as an individual, we can do a lot. The church comprises of ppl, you and me, who can help the needy. Please, don't take on the mindset of "Oh, I pay tithe you know. The church should be the one paying for this person's welfare wat", "The church have a welfare system right? Let the person 'settle' with the church on his case" and with these excuses, we avoid our responsibility to the poor. Let's take away the mindset of always depending on the church(as an organisation) to do every single thing. We don't have to wait for another evangelistic service or program to evangelise, and we don't need to wait for another 'love campaign' to give to the poor. Let's do what we ought to do as an individual - preaching the good news, giving to the poor, loving each other. After all, is not the church us?
Coming back to the lady. "Do you attend church nowadays?" I asked. "Not really. I don't feel like going these days", she replied. We chatted a while more and before I left, I gave her some money and tell her it's for her to "buy food"(It's the polite cantonese way of giving someone money) And she said,"Oh. Thank you so much. God bless you" and I replied, "God bless you too". Jesus is still in her heart, but I pray that she can experience the fullness of Him through our acts of kindness. My friends, Jesus is speaking to you today, "How about her, how about him?"
Monday, October 23, 2006
Personal Soul Winning
Ephesians 4:16 - "From Him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work"
Often, we said, "Oh, we must be united!" And many times we meant it, but our actions do not show it. We agree among ourselves, called ourselves like-minded and thought that we are one in spirit and purpose(Phil 2:2), BUT this unity we proclaimed has no real meaing unless each of us play our part in doing God's work. There are many works we can do but I want to highlight one of the most important one to you and that is preaching the gospel.
Preaching the gospel requires no special 'calling' or titles or status. If there is any thing that we can all play our part in, it is sharing the gospel. Isn't it wonderful if our unity is seen or recognised by the world because each one of us share the gospel to them in various ways and in different places? If you read on from chapter 4:16, you will hit chapter 5:15-16 where God tells us to make the most of every opportunities that we have.
In previous postings, I've shared how I met people on the streets (mostly poor people), became friends with them and shared the love of God with them. This "phenomena" happened to me while I was in East Timor. Every month without fail, I will bump into a stranger on the street or somewhere, and I will get a chance to share Jesus with them. I keep praying for such opportunities and these occurences have not stopped since then. I thought this is something awesome(maybe because we seldom hear of something like this in our community) but when I read that someone does this EVERYDAY, it blows my mind. Reading the story of how D.L.Moody will not rest until he shares Jesus with one soul a day did not discourage me. I'm encouraged by my once-a-month endeavour where God helped me to bother to talk to the poorer and lesser reached soul on the street but to do it everyday is a real challenge. Yes, it is a tall order but not one that is impossible. And I think we all should strive towards it.
So how do we strive towards this everyday personal evangelism lifestyle? Start by praying? Yes, but don't stop at praying. Be aware of the opportunities around you, grab them, share your testimony, do an act of kindness, preach the gospel. R.A Torrey said, "The best way to learn how to do it is to do it." I want to encourage you to read this article called "The Importance of Personal Soul Winning" by R.A. Torrey. It's at http://www.swordofthelord.com/archives/ImportanceSoulWinning.htm
You will see in there that we can all play our part in winning souls on a personal basis, and the effect of such works can have a greater impact than events like gospel rallies, healing crusades etc. God bless you and the souls around you.
Often, we said, "Oh, we must be united!" And many times we meant it, but our actions do not show it. We agree among ourselves, called ourselves like-minded and thought that we are one in spirit and purpose(Phil 2:2), BUT this unity we proclaimed has no real meaing unless each of us play our part in doing God's work. There are many works we can do but I want to highlight one of the most important one to you and that is preaching the gospel.
Preaching the gospel requires no special 'calling' or titles or status. If there is any thing that we can all play our part in, it is sharing the gospel. Isn't it wonderful if our unity is seen or recognised by the world because each one of us share the gospel to them in various ways and in different places? If you read on from chapter 4:16, you will hit chapter 5:15-16 where God tells us to make the most of every opportunities that we have.

In previous postings, I've shared how I met people on the streets (mostly poor people), became friends with them and shared the love of God with them. This "phenomena" happened to me while I was in East Timor. Every month without fail, I will bump into a stranger on the street or somewhere, and I will get a chance to share Jesus with them. I keep praying for such opportunities and these occurences have not stopped since then. I thought this is something awesome(maybe because we seldom hear of something like this in our community) but when I read that someone does this EVERYDAY, it blows my mind. Reading the story of how D.L.Moody will not rest until he shares Jesus with one soul a day did not discourage me. I'm encouraged by my once-a-month endeavour where God helped me to bother to talk to the poorer and lesser reached soul on the street but to do it everyday is a real challenge. Yes, it is a tall order but not one that is impossible. And I think we all should strive towards it.
So how do we strive towards this everyday personal evangelism lifestyle? Start by praying? Yes, but don't stop at praying. Be aware of the opportunities around you, grab them, share your testimony, do an act of kindness, preach the gospel. R.A Torrey said, "The best way to learn how to do it is to do it." I want to encourage you to read this article called "The Importance of Personal Soul Winning" by R.A. Torrey. It's at http://www.swordofthelord.com/archives/ImportanceSoulWinning.htm
You will see in there that we can all play our part in winning souls on a personal basis, and the effect of such works can have a greater impact than events like gospel rallies, healing crusades etc. God bless you and the souls around you.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
How could I pass her by?
"Excuse me, can you give me one dollar? I am hungry and I don't have money to buy food", the unkempt lady looked at me with wide, dazed eyes.
This is not the first time I have encountered ppl on the streets asking for money and my response these days is to offer them food instead of money. I would not want someone to take the money and buy themselves cigarettes or alcoholic drinks.
She replied,"Oh, I want to go somewhere there to buy rice." to which I replied, "It's okay. I will follow you there to buy you the food". And she pleaded again, "Please, I just need one dollar. Can you give me one dollar?" I knew then that she's not going to use the money to buy food and I said sorry and moved on.
As I was praying back home, I thought about the lady and realised how indifferent I was to her situation. Why didn't I spend a little more time talking to her? Yes, she is smelly and dirty and kept asking for that dollar but was not I like this once? Did not God pick me up and wash me and cleanse me when I was dirty and stinking with sin in my life? How could I let this person walked on in life without a saviour, without a friend and without hope?
My heart broke and I burst out in tears. This lady does not need another dollar!!! She needs the gospel and I failed to give her what she rightfully deserves. It is only a dollar! If my one dollar can be used as a means to spark a conversation that enables her to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, isn't that dollar worth it all? Even if she were to reject accepting Christ later and used that dollar for a puff, could not the seed that was planted in her heart bloom one day? Oh, how narrow I was and how shallow I am!!! I thought I had made the right choice by not giving her the dollar, but I did not make the best choice to give her the treasures in heaven.
How could I pass her by? How could I when Christ did not pass me by? May the Lord have mercy on me and help me to stretch out my hands beyond my own comfort to a world of poor, dirty, smelly and dying souls.
"Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!!!" 1 Cor 9:16
This is not the first time I have encountered ppl on the streets asking for money and my response these days is to offer them food instead of money. I would not want someone to take the money and buy themselves cigarettes or alcoholic drinks.
She replied,"Oh, I want to go somewhere there to buy rice." to which I replied, "It's okay. I will follow you there to buy you the food". And she pleaded again, "Please, I just need one dollar. Can you give me one dollar?" I knew then that she's not going to use the money to buy food and I said sorry and moved on.
As I was praying back home, I thought about the lady and realised how indifferent I was to her situation. Why didn't I spend a little more time talking to her? Yes, she is smelly and dirty and kept asking for that dollar but was not I like this once? Did not God pick me up and wash me and cleanse me when I was dirty and stinking with sin in my life? How could I let this person walked on in life without a saviour, without a friend and without hope?
My heart broke and I burst out in tears. This lady does not need another dollar!!! She needs the gospel and I failed to give her what she rightfully deserves. It is only a dollar! If my one dollar can be used as a means to spark a conversation that enables her to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, isn't that dollar worth it all? Even if she were to reject accepting Christ later and used that dollar for a puff, could not the seed that was planted in her heart bloom one day? Oh, how narrow I was and how shallow I am!!! I thought I had made the right choice by not giving her the dollar, but I did not make the best choice to give her the treasures in heaven.
How could I pass her by? How could I when Christ did not pass me by? May the Lord have mercy on me and help me to stretch out my hands beyond my own comfort to a world of poor, dirty, smelly and dying souls.
"Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!!!" 1 Cor 9:16
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Renewal of the mind
I was told to be sensitive, and rightly so in a place where most people believe in B and may be offended if we share. However, that instruction became a mindblock to me, mainly because I have not understood what it really meant. So my mind got boxed up and I became too cautious. That changed when I got to know Rev.A. In a space of 3-4 days, he brought 2 persons to the Lord and when we were with him, another 4 were brought to the Lord. I was baffled. I asked him, "how/what did you share?". He replied "After we finished the tour, I asked her, are you a Christian?" and then he proceed to share the gospel - sin, forgiveness, acceptance, love, Lord and Saviour.
That direct approach blew my mind and made me realise that I have boxed myself up and have unconsciously blocked the work of the Spirit. We have to be sensitive, yes, but we have to realise and understand that there are times when we have to be bold and take risk, especially when we know there is a need for the person to hear the gospel. God can melt all sensitivity, God can bridge any hostility, God is God of all things - we all know that, don't we? So why then did I allow such a thing to block my mind? Aha, the dependancy of human wisdom and logic than the dependancy of God. Not that I purposely depend on my own understanding and thinking, but it can come so subtlely and unconsciously, doesn't it? And often, this reveal the truth about yourself; the condition of the deep inner self. I was glad God changed me in this aspect and I was able to share with the love of Christ to someone who have never heard the gospel before. It's awesome.
That direct approach blew my mind and made me realise that I have boxed myself up and have unconsciously blocked the work of the Spirit. We have to be sensitive, yes, but we have to realise and understand that there are times when we have to be bold and take risk, especially when we know there is a need for the person to hear the gospel. God can melt all sensitivity, God can bridge any hostility, God is God of all things - we all know that, don't we? So why then did I allow such a thing to block my mind? Aha, the dependancy of human wisdom and logic than the dependancy of God. Not that I purposely depend on my own understanding and thinking, but it can come so subtlely and unconsciously, doesn't it? And often, this reveal the truth about yourself; the condition of the deep inner self. I was glad God changed me in this aspect and I was able to share with the love of Christ to someone who have never heard the gospel before. It's awesome.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Vegetarian pasta sauce for 400pax

Ok, what do you need to cook a pasta sauce for 400pax? You will need:
1. 12 big cans of canned tomatoes
2. 2 cans of concentrated tomato paste
3. Lots of chopped and grilled onions
4. Oregano
5. 4 boxes of 1litre red wine
6. Lots of grilled peppers/capsicum(sliced)
7. Lots of grilled carrots(sliced)
8. Salt at the end for taste
Not bad for my first attempt cooking in the galley. Those pots and strirring sticks are huge and there's even a stirring 'toy' which looks more like a machine gun. And if you're frying stuffs(like how 2 of us fried 300+ eggs today...haha), there's this large squarish frying pan that you can sleep in if you want. Well, it has been fun and eventful so far and I have learn quite a bit of stuffs. Character moulding is especially good and you will see your 'true' self more(especially when you're working) so that's about all for now. Thanks for your prayers guys & gals - will really need God to strengthen, lead as well as protect.(the frying pan caught fire this morning! woohoo!) Thank God for His protection otherwise my face will be black. Thank you once again.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Just for laughs - Carpark lai loh!
Something to laugh at:
If you've ever been to blk 232, AMK ave 3, you would have noticed the long queue at Mellben restaurant - an eatery that specialises in crabs. As we were tucking into our juicy crabs, the auntie who takes our orders suddenly stood in the middle holding a loudhailer on one hand and a whistle on the other. She motioned us to cover our ears and before I could respond, she blasted the whistle and shouted into the loudhailer. "Carpark lai lohhhhh! Carpark lai lohhhhhh!" This mixed expression of singlish and hokkien meant, "The carpark attendant is coming! Those of you who have not pay using your parking coupon or parking illegally, you better do something!" Immediately, more than 10 persons stood up and rush to their cars. The auntie's hokkien accent and coy way of announcing the 'ghost' is funny. The mad rushing of the ppl to their cars and doing the same thing at the same time(i.e. peeling the parking coupon) makes it even more hilarious.
It really makes you wonder why we will want to "chao kuan"(behave badly) so as to save the 50cents to a dollar parking fee while we are already willing to splurge more than $60 on a piece of crab. (price: 1kg = $30) Strange isn't it? Moral of the story? Don't just pay for the crab, pray for the parking fee crap too. (Yes, even if land is free and you have to pay craps for putting your car on it) Otherwise, it'll really spoil your crab eating momentum and smear your car doors with lotsa crab smell. And yes, read into the pun. =)
If you've ever been to blk 232, AMK ave 3, you would have noticed the long queue at Mellben restaurant - an eatery that specialises in crabs. As we were tucking into our juicy crabs, the auntie who takes our orders suddenly stood in the middle holding a loudhailer on one hand and a whistle on the other. She motioned us to cover our ears and before I could respond, she blasted the whistle and shouted into the loudhailer. "Carpark lai lohhhhh! Carpark lai lohhhhhh!" This mixed expression of singlish and hokkien meant, "The carpark attendant is coming! Those of you who have not pay using your parking coupon or parking illegally, you better do something!" Immediately, more than 10 persons stood up and rush to their cars. The auntie's hokkien accent and coy way of announcing the 'ghost' is funny. The mad rushing of the ppl to their cars and doing the same thing at the same time(i.e. peeling the parking coupon) makes it even more hilarious.
It really makes you wonder why we will want to "chao kuan"(behave badly) so as to save the 50cents to a dollar parking fee while we are already willing to splurge more than $60 on a piece of crab. (price: 1kg = $30) Strange isn't it? Moral of the story? Don't just pay for the crab, pray for the parking fee crap too. (Yes, even if land is free and you have to pay craps for putting your car on it) Otherwise, it'll really spoil your crab eating momentum and smear your car doors with lotsa crab smell. And yes, read into the pun. =)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Be a Doulos
5 more days to go and I'll be joining Doulos for a 2 months exposure programme. What I'll be doing is anybody's guess as the webbie states "Participants will follow a comprehensive training programme and also accompany regular crew in on shore community work". There're plenty of things to do onboard the big ship - i could be helping in the kitchen, arranging books, servicing the IT dept, involved in various programmes(eg. drama, youth programme, games etc) There will also be community work off shore(read the latest news in the webbie bout them going to a centre for disabled children & adults) and I think it's going to be a fulfilling 2 months with Doulos. Praise God for providing this opportunity as my plan of returning to East Timor is still 'floating'. Perhaps after 2 months, things will be clearer. What matters most now is that I continue to serve Him in whatever He has put in my path. That is, to be a doulos, which in greek means a bond servant.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Have Mercy!!!
I meet the tissue auntie at Bishan Bus Interchange quite often and recently had a longer chat with her. After some persuasion, I finally manage to get her to accept the biscuits I bought from Ipoh and then we drifted to the topic of her present livelihood now. She then told me something that pierced my heart.
*blah blah blah blah.....*
Auntie: Sometimes when I don't work, I go to the temple to have my meals.
Me: Oh, where is it?
Auntie: It's at Kong Ming Shan*. Many people, hundreds of people go there to have their meals. They provide 5 free vegetarian meals a day. Anyone can go. They will not ask anything. Last time before I work, I used to go there everyday to have my meals because I was too poor to buy any. I felt very bad that I ate the free meals there so sometimes I will help them to sweep the floor. Before, I was not a Buddhist. But at that time, I felt guilty if I don't become one because I had all my meals there and they have not asked me for anything in return. So I decide to become a Buddhist and found that it is good. The medidation and teachings are good and give me peace of mind.
Strangely, she continued with my religion in mind, knowing that I am a Christian.
Auntie: I cannot turn my back against Buddhism..(*I did not mention anything about Jesus to her at that time. It's as if she assumes I'm evangelising*)..it'll make me feel bad. You know, last time I have been to a church before. But NOBODY BOTHERS ABOUT ME (*emphasis mine*)
Me: ....
We soon drifted to another topic but those words ring so loud in my ears that I will never forget them. *Nobody(in church) bothers about me...nobody bothers about me...* I walked away feeling dejected. I asked myself what in the world are some of us doing today, especially with regards to the poor. I feel very sad that the church is handicapped, that it cannot reach out it's hands to the poor because those hands were shriveled by an inward-looking self and indifference. Not all churches are, but there are enough to make me feel sad. Even the world knows how to take care of the poor. If this does not shame us into noticing & loving the poor pro-actively, then I wonder what will.
"O God! Have mercy on us! Help us show mercy to the poor and needy! Help us to have compassion and love our neighbours with acts of kindness! Revive us Lord!!! Revive your church Lord!!! Have mercy!!!"
*blah blah blah blah.....*
Auntie: Sometimes when I don't work, I go to the temple to have my meals.
Me: Oh, where is it?
Auntie: It's at Kong Ming Shan*. Many people, hundreds of people go there to have their meals. They provide 5 free vegetarian meals a day. Anyone can go. They will not ask anything. Last time before I work, I used to go there everyday to have my meals because I was too poor to buy any. I felt very bad that I ate the free meals there so sometimes I will help them to sweep the floor. Before, I was not a Buddhist. But at that time, I felt guilty if I don't become one because I had all my meals there and they have not asked me for anything in return. So I decide to become a Buddhist and found that it is good. The medidation and teachings are good and give me peace of mind.
Strangely, she continued with my religion in mind, knowing that I am a Christian.
Auntie: I cannot turn my back against Buddhism..(*I did not mention anything about Jesus to her at that time. It's as if she assumes I'm evangelising*)..it'll make me feel bad. You know, last time I have been to a church before. But NOBODY BOTHERS ABOUT ME (*emphasis mine*)
Me: ....
We soon drifted to another topic but those words ring so loud in my ears that I will never forget them. *Nobody(in church) bothers about me...nobody bothers about me...* I walked away feeling dejected. I asked myself what in the world are some of us doing today, especially with regards to the poor. I feel very sad that the church is handicapped, that it cannot reach out it's hands to the poor because those hands were shriveled by an inward-looking self and indifference. Not all churches are, but there are enough to make me feel sad. Even the world knows how to take care of the poor. If this does not shame us into noticing & loving the poor pro-actively, then I wonder what will.
"O God! Have mercy on us! Help us show mercy to the poor and needy! Help us to have compassion and love our neighbours with acts of kindness! Revive us Lord!!! Revive your church Lord!!! Have mercy!!!"
Saturday, July 15, 2006
End of the Timor Road?
Yeap, my volunteer contract with WV had been terminated as the youth centre project has been closed indefinitely. It's strange that I felt as if a bombshell had been dropped on me but perhaps as a human, I still do have some emotion after all. Perhaps in s split second, I felt as if my tenure in East Timor is over. Is that true? Coming back to my senses, I slapped myself up and draw my assurances from God again. Of cos it's not true my stint in East Timor is over - as long as God had not say so. My friend's email from East Timor is very encouraging as she said there are plenty of work to be done there. So what is the next step? Go hunt for a volunteer job? No, I still believe that I have to continue to pray for directions till God show me the way, confirm it and send me. Praise God that there are plenty of opportunities in Timor, and even Ps Jonathan's visit to S'pore is no coincidence. It all linked again. Perhaps it's going to be a fresh start to a new thing in East Timor for me, or a temporary stopover for me in S'pore for further training & equipping and then to go back. Though my emotions sometimes roar like the raging sea when I felt so helpless(in that I cannot be there right now to be with the ppl), but in God's presence I can find my rest and in His grace I can draw strength. No way will I let my emotions get the better of me. I will choose to praise Him and shed all my tears in prayer.
"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God" ~ Psalm 42:11
"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God" ~ Psalm 42:11
Reaching out to my mum & dad
Sometimes the hardest thing to do for is to someone closest to you. And especially so when the person is not a believer. I struggle(strange right?) when I wanted to pray for my non-believing mum and dad. But God always see our desires and provide us opportunities to fulfill those desires that were good. And so, I had the opportunity to pray for my mum and the pain in her left leg. Althought I kind of make a mess of the prayer, I certainly felt God was there and ministerinig to my mum. I often wonder how my mum and dad can come to know the Lord since I'm away most of the time and there is zero(yes, that is so sad) Christians in our neighbourhood in Ipoh. But God always answer prayers and mine is no exception. Thank God that a group of us decided to go to Ipoh for holidays & through that, Lillian shared the gospel with my mum, and also I had the opportunity to share testimonies and pray for her. At this time, you may ask me "what about your dad?" Well, it'll come. It takes time but the opportune time will come. It's harder to get through him as he always 'siam' or 'dilute' what is God into coincidences. But it's okay. He will understand one day. So to all of you out there who have parents that are not yet saved, continue to perservere in prayer and pluck up that courage to do the thing you always wanted to do. Maybe it is to pray for them face to face, to share with them a testimony, the gospel, a big hug, to say I love you and appreciate you, whatever is in your heart that God has prompted you to do. Take heart and press on.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" ~ Hebrews 11:1
"...Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household" ~ Acts 16:31
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" ~ Hebrews 11:1
"...Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household" ~ Acts 16:31
Thursday, July 06, 2006
When the doors seem closed
I must say this is one of the most trying time of my life. When I looked back, I knew God had prepared me for such a time. It's a growth process and there's no shortcut. There were at least 3 occasions in my life where things are uncertain and each time, the uncertainty grew bigger. I was wondering whether I had made the correct decision to resign and go to Tungling bible college when God reassured me on the first day that it was correct. I was wondering what I will be doing after Tungling when Ps Ben suggest me teaching Nigel with an intensive program and I did it. I was wondering what I will be doing after finishing my stint with Nigel when God opened the door for full time tuition. And still, I was wondering what I will be doing when God told me to stop tuition and later realised that He had opened the door for me to go East Timor by the year end of '05.
And now, I am away from East Timor and wondering where I will be heading next. Why do I say it is tougher this time? In the past uncertainties, I had nothing in mind so there was nothing really to struggle with when God says 'Go there' or 'Do this'. This time it is different. I have been to East Timor and found my place there. My heart beats for it. Somehow, you just know that that is THE place for you. But now I am away and as the days trickled by, there appears to be less and less hope of going back at this moment. There is no reply from the other side. There is yet to be a hint or direction from God about going back now. Am I losing hope of returning? I am a little now. Humans can't help it and I'm one. But I will not despair.
When the doors seem closed
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
For a season of meaning and for a timely reason of moulding
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
For my God knows best, and in Him I will surely rest
Why the bruised knocks? Why the loud despair?
It is only a second, It will soon come to an end
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
When the doors finally open, I will enter in great delight
And now, I am away from East Timor and wondering where I will be heading next. Why do I say it is tougher this time? In the past uncertainties, I had nothing in mind so there was nothing really to struggle with when God says 'Go there' or 'Do this'. This time it is different. I have been to East Timor and found my place there. My heart beats for it. Somehow, you just know that that is THE place for you. But now I am away and as the days trickled by, there appears to be less and less hope of going back at this moment. There is no reply from the other side. There is yet to be a hint or direction from God about going back now. Am I losing hope of returning? I am a little now. Humans can't help it and I'm one. But I will not despair.
When the doors seem closed
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
For a season of meaning and for a timely reason of moulding
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
For my God knows best, and in Him I will surely rest
Why the bruised knocks? Why the loud despair?
It is only a second, It will soon come to an end
When the doors seem closed, it is only but for a time
When the doors finally open, I will enter in great delight
By Jason
Sunday, July 02, 2006
The Tissue Aunty - "Ye sou oi ngo"
"Auntie, lei hou ma*?" , I greeted the 'tissue auntie' in cantonese at the bishan bus interchange. She smiled and replied she is doing fine and we started having a small chat. It was not so long ago that I met this elderly lady selling tissue paper at the bishan bus interchange for a living.
About 8 months ago, before I left for East Timor, I had a chance encounter with her. The first time I bought tissue from her, I did not say anything but smiled at her. Then I kept buying tissues from her everytime I see her and soon, I became her regular customer(and tissue collector) and got to know her better through her native tongue, cantonese. She is a lonely old woman who had lost her husband a few years ago, had no children nor relatives in singapore to depend on. Very soon, she started opening her life to me and teared on a few occasions when she shared her past and current struggles in life. On one occasion, she said, "Life is so meaningless now. I wonder why I kept telling myself to go on in life. I felt dying is better but everytime I think about it, I told myself that I must be strong and live on." I comforted her and told her about Jesus's love in the easiest, comprehensible cantonese I could managed. She had few friends and a listening ear and some companionship is what she really needed. I thank God I was used to meet her needs, simple as it is, it meant so much to her to have a total stranger that would bother about her at all.
I asked God how i can reach out to her - I really don't know. She's a pretty devout buddhist and quite a shy person so it was not easy trying to share Jesus with her(plus my cantonese is not exactly fantastic). I've tried inviting her to church but she politely declined. The best I've manage so far is to repeat the phrase "Ye Sou oi lei" - "Jesus loves you" in cantonese. She nodded in acknowledgement of the phrase and smiled, as if telling me that she understood what that really means. 8 months have pass and I'm back in Singapore, and I met her again. Before I left after our small chat, she smiled and said, "Thank you for coming and your concern for me...." and then she said something that tells me she really did understood it all, "...Ngo ji dou Ye Sou oi ngo*", she smiled and said again, "Ye Sou oi ngo*". I floated all the way home. Thank you Jesus. You have made a difference.
* Cantonese translation
Lei hou ma? = How are you?
Ngo ji dou = I know (that)
Ye Sou oi ngo = Jesus loves me
P.S. If you see a person like this on the street, ask God what He wants you to do. He can do a lot through you and make a difference in that person's life. Begin to bother.
Nowadays, aunty is smiling more and more optimistic. I'm hoping for the day when she will give her life to Jesus.
About 8 months ago, before I left for East Timor, I had a chance encounter with her. The first time I bought tissue from her, I did not say anything but smiled at her. Then I kept buying tissues from her everytime I see her and soon, I became her regular customer(and tissue collector) and got to know her better through her native tongue, cantonese. She is a lonely old woman who had lost her husband a few years ago, had no children nor relatives in singapore to depend on. Very soon, she started opening her life to me and teared on a few occasions when she shared her past and current struggles in life. On one occasion, she said, "Life is so meaningless now. I wonder why I kept telling myself to go on in life. I felt dying is better but everytime I think about it, I told myself that I must be strong and live on." I comforted her and told her about Jesus's love in the easiest, comprehensible cantonese I could managed. She had few friends and a listening ear and some companionship is what she really needed. I thank God I was used to meet her needs, simple as it is, it meant so much to her to have a total stranger that would bother about her at all.
I asked God how i can reach out to her - I really don't know. She's a pretty devout buddhist and quite a shy person so it was not easy trying to share Jesus with her(plus my cantonese is not exactly fantastic). I've tried inviting her to church but she politely declined. The best I've manage so far is to repeat the phrase "Ye Sou oi lei" - "Jesus loves you" in cantonese. She nodded in acknowledgement of the phrase and smiled, as if telling me that she understood what that really means. 8 months have pass and I'm back in Singapore, and I met her again. Before I left after our small chat, she smiled and said, "Thank you for coming and your concern for me...." and then she said something that tells me she really did understood it all, "...Ngo ji dou Ye Sou oi ngo*", she smiled and said again, "Ye Sou oi ngo*". I floated all the way home. Thank you Jesus. You have made a difference.
* Cantonese translation
Lei hou ma? = How are you?
Ngo ji dou = I know (that)
Ye Sou oi ngo = Jesus loves me
P.S. If you see a person like this on the street, ask God what He wants you to do. He can do a lot through you and make a difference in that person's life. Begin to bother.
Nowadays, aunty is smiling more and more optimistic. I'm hoping for the day when she will give her life to Jesus.
Friday, June 30, 2006
How will you cope when sorrows come?
"The new shirt that I just bought from Bali had stains on it!" I was a little upset to discover this when I was hanging the shirt(that i've wore just once) to dry it. I felt like I've lost something dear(which wasn't actually) and there's a sudden low. Of cos it did not affect me for long but the effect it had on me drew me back to the days when I've lost or nearly lost something. I remembered the time when my PDA(which contains all my sermon notes and journals) broke down and I was very upset. I actually flew into a rage(*tsk tsk*) but calmed down later and prayed, asking God to 'heal' my PDA. It didn't happen immediately but my PDA was okay the next day, but the data was gone.(Thank God that there's such a thing as a backup, although it was not the most recent one) I can't believe that the sense of loss caused me to flew into a rage. This time, it pricked my heart a little, giving me a sudden low feeling. I wonder how I will feel if my parents passed away. How will I cope in that situation?
Reading up the life of early missionaries showed/taught me how they cope with grief and sorrows. William carey's wife became mad and died. Jim Elliot died and left his wife behind at a pretty young age. John Paton's wife died, followed by his child. And many others too with such stories. But even with these sorrows, these heroes of God cling on to Him. They overcame their sorrows and press on to finish the task God has given them and they all finished their race on earth. It is indeed inspirational. But where do they get their strength from in those difficult hours? Reading and knowing the book of Job helps, but I think their greatest source of strength and comfort comes from Christ Himself. Jesus was described as a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering." If our God is familiar with our suffering on earth and have tasted it Himself, surely He knows how we feel when such situations arise. We all know that God can comfort us and give us peace beyond our understanding but will we run to Him in trying times? Can we still sing when tragedy struck? Our walk with Him now will very much determine that outcome.
Listen to the song of Horatio Spafford, who wrote this song soon after his 4 daughters died tragically.
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know;
"It is well, it is well with my soul."
(Click here for complete lyrics and short story)
Reading up the life of early missionaries showed/taught me how they cope with grief and sorrows. William carey's wife became mad and died. Jim Elliot died and left his wife behind at a pretty young age. John Paton's wife died, followed by his child. And many others too with such stories. But even with these sorrows, these heroes of God cling on to Him. They overcame their sorrows and press on to finish the task God has given them and they all finished their race on earth. It is indeed inspirational. But where do they get their strength from in those difficult hours? Reading and knowing the book of Job helps, but I think their greatest source of strength and comfort comes from Christ Himself. Jesus was described as a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering." If our God is familiar with our suffering on earth and have tasted it Himself, surely He knows how we feel when such situations arise. We all know that God can comfort us and give us peace beyond our understanding but will we run to Him in trying times? Can we still sing when tragedy struck? Our walk with Him now will very much determine that outcome.
Listen to the song of Horatio Spafford, who wrote this song soon after his 4 daughters died tragically.
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know;
"It is well, it is well with my soul."
(Click here for complete lyrics and short story)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
It doesn't matter where you are
(this is related to my previous post)
After I left East Timor and went to Bali, I wonder whether this once-a-month sharing opportunity will continue. It was silly of me to think that perhaps this sharing opportunities only happen in East Timor(since it started there. But don't we think like this sometimes? ). And of cos very soon, I realise it has NOTHING to do with the location or where it started. It has EVERYTHING to do with prayer. And God is at work no matter where you are. He just require willing vessels that desire to do His work.
And so it happened. I was at a shopping centre one night and my friends were late in picking me up. The stores were all closed by then except for starbucks and this local cafe called "Daily Bread"(no, it has nothing to do with the devotion material). I bought a drink and was reading my magazine when the waiter interrupted me. So I talk to him for a while, hoping to return to the interesting article i was reading when he sat down and asked me more questions. Ok, so we chatted and somehow, God gave the opportunity for me to share with him a testimony of a balinese who became a christian. He listened intently. Although he smiled sheepishly when I invited him to go to church(that's a polite Indonesian 'no'), I certainly believe that this seed is sown into his heart. I do what God wants me to do and He will do the rest. Results belong to Him.
I'm now back in Singapore and God just gave me the opportunity to share for this month. I was at my friend's wedding dinner a few days ago and I got to share with my ex-classmates. In the first place, I wasn't even suppose to be there bcos I actually told my friend that I couldn't make it bcos I was in Timor then. Secondly, there was no more seat as I didn't reserve on time but that morning, my other friend couldn't make it and I took over his place. I'm amazed at the opportunity God gave me. My non-believer friend actually asked me ,"so how did you become a missionary and end up in Timor?" Perfect question for sharing my testimonies.
This really encourages me and showed me that no matter where I am, God can use me and is using me in His perfect plans. When I was in Bali, I wasn't feeling very good bcos my heart aches for Timor and I long to return. As I waited and prayed, God reassured me that I had made the right decision to leave but He didn't say when I can go back. (that means more waiting and long-suffering and continual surrender to Him) As I surrender, there is this sense of liberty lifting me up with joy even when I still feel sad that I can't go back to Timor at this time. I don't know how to describe this liberty and calmness - it surpasses all understanding. God is so wonderful - He reassured me that no matter where I am, as long as I am walking in the path He has given me, He will be there with me. And He will comfort me, love me and use me.
"Lord, I lay down everything before you. Use me in your plans. Teach me your ways. In everything that I do and every decision that I make, let it be your will, and not mine, be done. Amen"
After I left East Timor and went to Bali, I wonder whether this once-a-month sharing opportunity will continue. It was silly of me to think that perhaps this sharing opportunities only happen in East Timor(since it started there. But don't we think like this sometimes? ). And of cos very soon, I realise it has NOTHING to do with the location or where it started. It has EVERYTHING to do with prayer. And God is at work no matter where you are. He just require willing vessels that desire to do His work.
And so it happened. I was at a shopping centre one night and my friends were late in picking me up. The stores were all closed by then except for starbucks and this local cafe called "Daily Bread"(no, it has nothing to do with the devotion material). I bought a drink and was reading my magazine when the waiter interrupted me. So I talk to him for a while, hoping to return to the interesting article i was reading when he sat down and asked me more questions. Ok, so we chatted and somehow, God gave the opportunity for me to share with him a testimony of a balinese who became a christian. He listened intently. Although he smiled sheepishly when I invited him to go to church(that's a polite Indonesian 'no'), I certainly believe that this seed is sown into his heart. I do what God wants me to do and He will do the rest. Results belong to Him.
I'm now back in Singapore and God just gave me the opportunity to share for this month. I was at my friend's wedding dinner a few days ago and I got to share with my ex-classmates. In the first place, I wasn't even suppose to be there bcos I actually told my friend that I couldn't make it bcos I was in Timor then. Secondly, there was no more seat as I didn't reserve on time but that morning, my other friend couldn't make it and I took over his place. I'm amazed at the opportunity God gave me. My non-believer friend actually asked me ,"so how did you become a missionary and end up in Timor?" Perfect question for sharing my testimonies.
This really encourages me and showed me that no matter where I am, God can use me and is using me in His perfect plans. When I was in Bali, I wasn't feeling very good bcos my heart aches for Timor and I long to return. As I waited and prayed, God reassured me that I had made the right decision to leave but He didn't say when I can go back. (that means more waiting and long-suffering and continual surrender to Him) As I surrender, there is this sense of liberty lifting me up with joy even when I still feel sad that I can't go back to Timor at this time. I don't know how to describe this liberty and calmness - it surpasses all understanding. God is so wonderful - He reassured me that no matter where I am, as long as I am walking in the path He has given me, He will be there with me. And He will comfort me, love me and use me.
"Lord, I lay down everything before you. Use me in your plans. Teach me your ways. In everything that I do and every decision that I make, let it be your will, and not mine, be done. Amen"
Opportunities to share - let the whole world know
Ever since I've gone to East Timor, God has been providing me opportunities to share and testify about Him every month. Not that I have no such opportunities in Singapore, but these ones are different and very often unique. This at-least-once-a-month thing started when I started to pray for opportunities to share with people. It has now been 8 months and I still experience all these divine appointments. here's some of the encounters:
1. I met my student in a minibus and i was actually going somewhere else. somehow, i told him i'll tag along with him instead n met his brother at the market. And so, I got to share with him n his brother while walking home after the 'grocery shopping'.
2. I took a taxi down to church and in this taxi, a handicapped man with shrivelled hands, thin weak legs and a bend head sat in front. He's the driver's brother. Along the way, i asked him in my halting bahasa indonesia whether he believes in miracles n in God. he said yes and eventually, my pastor n i prayed for his brother's sickness. He received Jesus into his life and his neck straightened. But I never see him again. Was he an angel? I dunno but it was awesome to have had such an opportunity.
3. I befriend a security guard in church before a prayer meet bcos i was too early and he was friendly. He spoke english n i realised he's not the regular guard. just standing in for his friend for that particular night. just that night ONLY. we chatted n i shared about God. After prayer meet, the Holy Spirit prompt me to share the gospel n ask him for a decision. I shared, he accepted. He wanted to get a job so I told him that Jesus will help him and that we must pray and believe. Less than a week later, he found a job(after a few years...n in a country with 50% unemployment rate). Jesus is indeed real.
It was prayer that gave me these opportunities. Many a times, we sit back and wait for God to drop down opportunities from heaven. yes it's true God do that sometimes without us asking Him. But more often than not, God wants us to pray and request for such opportunities. In the first instance, if we do not even ask for an opportunity to share the gospel, then why should God give us one? Will we do it when the opportunities come? I think many times we will not if we have not prayed. If we are desperate for something, we will ask for it. Don't give yourself anymore excuses like "i didn't share with my colleagues or my school friends or my family all these while bcos there are no opportunities" The reason why you did not have an opportunity is bcos you did not ask. James 4:2b said,"...You do not have because you do not ask"(Nasb)
So let's start praying for opportunities to share, to testify about Him and His goodness. Make the most of every opportunity.
"Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity. Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]." Col 4:5-6(Amplified bible)
Let the whole world know.
1. I met my student in a minibus and i was actually going somewhere else. somehow, i told him i'll tag along with him instead n met his brother at the market. And so, I got to share with him n his brother while walking home after the 'grocery shopping'.
2. I took a taxi down to church and in this taxi, a handicapped man with shrivelled hands, thin weak legs and a bend head sat in front. He's the driver's brother. Along the way, i asked him in my halting bahasa indonesia whether he believes in miracles n in God. he said yes and eventually, my pastor n i prayed for his brother's sickness. He received Jesus into his life and his neck straightened. But I never see him again. Was he an angel? I dunno but it was awesome to have had such an opportunity.
3. I befriend a security guard in church before a prayer meet bcos i was too early and he was friendly. He spoke english n i realised he's not the regular guard. just standing in for his friend for that particular night. just that night ONLY. we chatted n i shared about God. After prayer meet, the Holy Spirit prompt me to share the gospel n ask him for a decision. I shared, he accepted. He wanted to get a job so I told him that Jesus will help him and that we must pray and believe. Less than a week later, he found a job(after a few years...n in a country with 50% unemployment rate). Jesus is indeed real.
It was prayer that gave me these opportunities. Many a times, we sit back and wait for God to drop down opportunities from heaven. yes it's true God do that sometimes without us asking Him. But more often than not, God wants us to pray and request for such opportunities. In the first instance, if we do not even ask for an opportunity to share the gospel, then why should God give us one? Will we do it when the opportunities come? I think many times we will not if we have not prayed. If we are desperate for something, we will ask for it. Don't give yourself anymore excuses like "i didn't share with my colleagues or my school friends or my family all these while bcos there are no opportunities" The reason why you did not have an opportunity is bcos you did not ask. James 4:2b said,"...You do not have because you do not ask"(Nasb)
So let's start praying for opportunities to share, to testify about Him and His goodness. Make the most of every opportunity.
"Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity. Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]." Col 4:5-6(Amplified bible)
Let the whole world know.
Decided to create this second blog as my first blog is a more informative blog and focus mainly on East Timor and a little bit on photography. This blog will be more personal and informal(i.e.writing rubbish), n to just share my thoughts and perhaps some lessons learned in my journey with our wonderful God. Some of my writings will be punctuated with singlish, bad english and short forms. eg: bcos =because, n=and, etc. So, enjoy the reads and feel free to discuss any stuff via the comments option for any posts. Do forgive me for long posts as the long ones r normally stuffed with testimonies.
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